Support Agreements For Managed IT Services Business

Robin Robins Managed Services

By Robin Robins – Managed IT Services Marketing Expert

Have you ever experienced a few months of absolute chaos where every client and their uncle is calling you with a computer crisis that needs to be fixed immediately, only to be followed by a few months of complete famine where nobody calls and you start worrying as to whether or not you are going to keep the lights on?

For the vast majority of small VARs and computer consultants, this is an all too true reality of their business. Unfortunately, neither of these scenarios are beneficial to you. During the breakneck months, you run the risk of over extending yourself and losing customers because you simply could not respond fast enough to their requests. Then there is the burn out and increased number of mistakes that are bound to happen when you’re working long, exhausting hours. Obviously the famine months are no better because you still have that monthly “nut” to crack. This is the bare-bones minimum of cash you need to pay the rent and keep the lights on before you get to keep a dime for yourself.

Unfortunately, you are the last guy to get paid and there are only so many months you can float on a credit card before the debts (and your anxiety levels) start to climb – fast.

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