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Featured image for “Top 10 Behaviors Small MSPs Engage In That Throttle Profits”
March 20, 2023
Robin Robins

Top 10 Behaviors Small MSPs Engage In That Throttle Profits

Below are the top 10 behaviors small MSPs engage in that are going to throttle your profits, and I see it all the time. 1. Constantly “waiting until __” to implement marketing and sales systems Smaller MSPs often think, “I’ve got to wait to implement marketing.” No matter the month, there’s always an excuse. Do you know what I hear from everybody in December? “Well, we’re going to wait till the new year before we get after this marketing because then once the new year…
Featured image for “This MSP Used Strategic Acquisitions To Hit The $10 Million Mark”
March 15, 2023
Casey Messner

This MSP Used Strategic Acquisitions To Hit The $10 Million Mark

I am Stephen Taylor with Lending IT. We specialize in monthly, all-inclusive IT and cybersecurity for organizations in all different industries, with 20 to 200 people, all across Chicagoland. We understand the technology needs of businesses and offer computer, network and cybersecurity support to help people get the most out of their technology. The first thing I did was challenge myself and went on a road trip. I did some reflection and introspection and found that I was not challenging myself enough. I wasn’t taking…
Featured image for “5 Profit Killers MSPs Must Avoid”
March 14, 2023
Robin Robins

5 Profit Killers MSPs Must Avoid

I often see MSP owners that don’t want to raise prices annually even though costs steadily increase. This is a slow bleed and you must raise your prices to align with costs. However, how do you do an annual price increase with poor billing? You must have a good handle on collecting money. Let me give you an example, one of my Technology Marketing Toolkit members came to me and told me one of their senior engineers, who was also a partner in the business,…

Genius Of The Month

6 Ways To Double MSP Leads, Appointments And Sales Without Spending A Dime On Marketing | Robin Robins

FREE: 6 Ways To Get More High-Paying Clients Without Spending A Dime On Marketing

Featured image for “Robin’s Top 12 Videos of 2021”
December 30, 2021
Robin Robins

Robin’s Top 12 Videos of 2021

2021 is coming to a close but it was quite a year for MSPs.  We’ve highlighted our Top 12 YouTube videos of the year for business growth.  And make sure to subscribe to our channel so you don’t miss any coming in 2022.    1. 8 Prospecting Tips For MSPs One of the things I see MSPs struggle with the most is prospecting. Watch this quick video to get my best tips you need to consider when running your next prospecting campaign. 2. Use This Little-Know Strategy To Get Other Companies To Send You Hot Leads And Clients Free Are you utilizing strategic partnerships? If…
Featured image for “5 TellTale Signs You Have A Top Performer”
December 28, 2021
Robin Robins

5 TellTale Signs You Have A Top Performer

Here are five telltale signs that you’ve got a top performer. #1: They have a history of being a top performer, ranking 1st or 2nd for sales in their organization, and they’ve done that in every job. I want someone who’s been in sales for their life, not somebody who is in sales for a little bit like worked in retail, then took a job as an operations person, then was in inside sales. You know, I want someone who’s been in sales. And they’ve…
Featured image for “The Million-Dollar Mark: Why 79% of MSPs Never Reach It”
September 20, 2021
Robin Robins

The Million-Dollar Mark: Why 79% of MSPs Never Reach It

Register For The IT Marketing Roadshow Here’s a little statistic that might shock you about the IT services industry: 79% of the people running businesses in this industry never break the million-dollar mark. And that’s even after being in business for 10 years on average or more. What’s even more surprising is 51 percent never even get to the half million-dollar mark. And that’s with all the resources, all the marketing, all the access to information and the growing demand for IT services. The industry…
Featured image for “Building Financial Strength for MSPs and IT Services Businesses”
September 20, 2021
Robin Robins

Building Financial Strength for MSPs and IT Services Businesses

Register For The IT Marketing Roadshow One of the things that smaller MSPs who are struggling screw up in their business is they don’t think in terms of building financial strength and financial leverage. These task-oriented people are thinking in terms of what needs to be done. They might be thinking, “How do we get more clients? How do we generate more MRR?” But they’re not thinking long term and they’re certainly not thinking about equity. Here I’m going to answer the questions, “How do…