Sell More Cybersecurity Services With These 8 MSP Marketing Campaigns

Robin Robins IT Managed Services, IT Marketing, Managed Services, MSP Marketing, Technology Marketing

msp-marketing-campaigns-sell-cybersecurity-servicesCybersecurity has been the most talked about topic on every business owner’s mind. Cybersecurity services are in high demand, but many IT services firms aren’t capitalizing on this recurring revenue stream.

Because of this, there is ample opportunity for you to educate your clients and prospects about emerging threats — and why they can’t afford to skimp on your cybersecurity services.

Creative Campaigns To Sell Cybersecurity Services

As an MSP marketing consultant, I’ve helped thousands of managed services providers effectively market and sell cybersecurity services.

So if you’re looking to capture your clients’ and prospects’ attention, here are 8 proven cybersecurity marketing campaigns you can implement today.

1. Send a cross-sell email to current clients

Odds are you have a handful of clients not taking advantage of your managed cybersecurity services. Before going out and trying to stir up new business, tackle your existing clients and warm prospects first with an educational email.

2. Educate through your monthly print newsletter

An educated client or prospect is much easier to convince than someone who requires you to sell them both on the concept and your solution. Print newsletters are also a refreshing change-up from traditional email blasts.

Remember: There’s a fine line between education and scare tactics. But, sending an educational article in your monthly newsletter balances the fear involved in cybersecurity and sets you up for the sale.

3. Conduct quarterly business reviews

If you’re not regularly meeting with your clients (most aim for quarterly), you’re missing out on prime opportunities to sell cybersecurity services and fuel referrals.

If you protect your clients from the latest cyber threats, they’ll promote you to their network — especially when their contacts get hacked. Never miss a chance to educate your customers about recent cybercrime (such as ransomware attacks) and why their data wasn’t compromised.

4. Send a series of direct mail cybersecurity tips

Sending helpful, easily digestible cybersecurity tips is an effective way to promote your cybersecurity services and stand out from typical MSPs. Mail your contacts one tech tip per week to remind them of the importance of cybersecurity and demonstrate your authority.

The Technology Marketing Toolkit includes monthly templated postcards available for download that can be customized for cyber security. These campaigns cover a variety of security topics that educate your audience and keep your business top of mind.

5. Email your audience cybersecurity tips

Your prospects and clients might need time and motivation to purchase cybersecurity services. Sending a “security tip of the week” emails is also a cheap, effective way to push your cybersecurity services and move contacts through the decision-making process. This also translates to a much shorter and smoother sales process for you.

Not a great writer? Technology Marketing Toolkit includes a tested, yearlong educational sequence that you can send directly to clients and prospects.

Tip: If writing these emails yourself, focus on education. Don’t turn the tip into a sales pitch email. Just educate your list.

6. Offer a free cybersecurity report

Promoting a free cybersecurity report across your website and via email will help you capture new contact information and turn prospects into leads.

Create urgency in your report title and offer something of value. For instance, Technology Marketing Toolkit includes an educational free report called “7 Urgent Security Protections Every Business Should Have In Place Now.” In fact, the campaign has already driven tons of new leads and interest for our MSP clients.

So to maximize your response rate, follow up with phone calls to secure more leads.

7. Hold a cybersecurity seminar

A cybersecurity seminar is one of the best ways to generate tons of hot leads in just 90 minutes. And seminars work best when you or a joint venture partner has a warm list of prospects to invite.

I know what you’re thinking: Speaking in front of an office is nerve-wracking. The 2 Hour Marketing Miracle kit offers a complete templated campaign for holding cybersecurity seminars. And active members also have access to Robin’s Mobility Seminar system, which can easily be modified for cybersecurity.

8. Conduct a cybersecurity webinar

If you’re on a tight budget and not yet able to fill a seminar room, use the same marketing templates to fill an educational cybersecurity webinar.

The great thing about webinars is that you’re directly talking and selling to multiple people at once while building out a list of warm prospects for your services. It doesn’t matter whether you have 2 people or 250 attend the webinar. Joint venture partners are often a great source to fill a webinar with qualified prospects.

Want more details on how to start selling cybersecurity solutions? Check out Cyber Security Marketing Toolkit for tools and templates to help you get started or get better! Learn more here.