These Quick Tips Will INSTANTLY Increase the Number of Qualified Leads Your Web Site Generates

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Attention All VARs, MSPs, and System Integrators Who Want To Generate Leads Online…

By Robin Robins, President, Technology Marketing Toolkit, Inc.

Before I give you these quick tips, let it be known that developing a web marketing machine is an ongoing effort that requires a commitment to testing and refining your strategy, message, offer, and graphics, as well as traffic sources. BUT, sometimes simple changes can result in BIG increases in conversions (leads) and sales.

For example, on my current lead generation page:

I discovered that putting a picture of the free thing—whether it’s a report, CD, or ebook—nearly tripled conversion. Same traffic, same offer, same marketing costs, but now 3 times as many leads. If you are offering a free report, CD, teleseminar, seminar, or other offer, make sure you put a graphic of the “free thing.”

Here’s another quick tip…

Use squeeze pages when doing ANY online OR offline marketing. What is a squeeze page? It is a page similar to the one above that requires the visitor to provide some information about themselves to get access to the rest of the web site. Take a look at this page:

This is an example of a squeeze page. Before someone can enter the site to learn more about the seminars I’m conducting, they have to provide their contact information. If they have already done this once, we simply display the main sales letter page for the event so they don’t have to opt-in every single time they visit the page. This will create a segmented “hot list” of very interested to semi-interested prospects that you can follow up with.

For example, let’s suppose you are doing a sales letter to a cold list and you provide a web site as one of the ways to respond. If you drive them to a squeeze page, you are creating a hot list for your telemarketers or sales people to follow up with first – after all, these people actually took action on your direct mail piece. This allows you to focus your time and money on those who have given you a shy “yes” instead of the masses who didn’t respond at all.

Here’s another quick tip…

Use unique URLs to track response. For example, to promote my seminars, I’m sending six to eight direct mail campaigns to a specific list. The problem is, it gets difficult to know which piece of mail had the most impact. To solve this and track the results more effectively, I’ve set up various URLs that are tied to a particular piece so I can track response.

For example, I’m using the URL for ONE specific piece of direct mail I’m sending. By using this URL, I can see exactly how many unique visits and conversions I’m getting from that one piece of mail because I’m not using it anywhere else in my marketing and promotion. Another URL I’m using is These sites all go to the same squeeze page, but have allowed me to track exactly how many responses each piece is generating.

If you are doing Yellow Pages ads, newspaper ads, direct mail, and other advertising, I suggest that you set up unique URLs and phone numbers to track response; otherwise, it will all get mixed in together and you won’t know which pieces of advertising media generated the highest quantity and quality of leads.

Dedicated to your success,
