How To Turn Your Most Visited Page Into A Lead Booster

Robin Robins Lead Generation Leave a Comment

When we look at the data on the hundreds of MSP websites that we manage, time and time again, one of the most popular and most visited pages is the About Us page.

Why? Prospects and leads want to get to know you! They want to learn who you are, what makes you different, why they should reach out, and why they should call YOU instead of your competition.

The problem with many About Us pages is that they are B-O-R-I-N-G! You look no different than the next MSP website your leads will go to. What can you do to stop swimming in a sea of sameness and make your most visited website page one that leads cannot ignore – one that impresses the heck out of them – one that makes them excited to call YOU?

Here Are Some Things You Can Add To Your About Us Page:

  • A GOOD origin story: not just a vanilla, generic “how we got started,” but a story that truly tells your WHY.
  • Feature your book and give the option to download an excerpt or request a physical copy.
  • If you have been featured in any magazines or media, put those here! (You can have a separate Media Page with these, BUT put them on your About Us page too since most visitors will go to About Us first.)
  • Video! If you have video that tells your story, offers news highlights, or even tech tips; people like to watch videos and see you in action.
  • Make sure to have a spot for the media to contact you. Yes, you want the media to reach out. But what this also accomplishes is prospects now see that you are an expert who the media can call on.
  • Put your audio business card on here, any podcasts you’ve been featured on, radio spots, etc.
  • Always have callouts throughout that allow for a visitor to book a 10-minute call. While they are learning about you and being impressed by you, let’s get them scheduled!

Here Are Some Good Examples Of “About Us” Pages You Can Model Yours On:

These examples above are from real clients with real lead generating websites. They followed my proven method to convert pages from lead killer to lead booster.

Turning your most visited page into a lead booster is not the only FREE Marketing hack. If you want FREE access to 6 Ways To Double Your MSP Leads And Sales WithOUT Spending A Dime On Marketing then click the link below.