MSP Sales Secrets: Charging (And Getting) Premium Prices

Robin Robins IT Managed Services, IT Sales, Managed Services, MSP Marketing, Technology Marketing

msp-sales-secretsAre you getting paid what you’re worth?

One of the biggest reasons computer consultants don’t charge premium prices is a misplaced fear that they’ll lose clients and limit their prospect pool. That couldn’t be farther from the truth.

I’m going to let you in on some MSP sales secrets. Every industry has companies that charge premium prices for their goods and services. I’ve had several clients raise their rates 10%, 20%, even 40% and never lose a client. If you aren’t good with math, that’s an instant profit boost with zero cost or effort.

There are two obstacles to charging what you are worth and commanding premium fees — not effectively marketing the value of your services, and your own negative attitude and beliefs about what you’re worth.

MSP Sales Secret No. 1 — How To Market Higher Prices

Let’s look at the marketing part of the equation. Clients choose cheaper competitors because you haven’t proven your value. To charge premium fees for your services, you need to structure every piece of communication from your website, advertising, direct mail and client presentations to position yourself as the best choice for MSP services.

Build A Killer MSP Sales Presentation

Most sales consultants wing their client presentations with little forethought or preparation. They give the price first and then justify their quote instead of systematically building value and increasing the client’s want of the service before giving the price. Here are my best MSP sales secrets and standards you should hold your presentations to:

  • Focus on quality. Do you have a well-thought out presentation that builds value, addresses objections and differentiates your business from the competition?
  • Speak to your client. Your presentation shouldn’t just be about you. Does your presentation show value? Do you customize it to directly address each client business needs?
  • Show don’t tell. Statistics, case studies, testimonials. Your presentation should back up your claims with unquestionable proof that you can deliver on your promises better than your competition.

If you don’t have a killer sales presentation, you’ll have a very hard time selling your services at premium prices.

MSP Sales Secret No. 2 — Banishing Self Doubt And Charging Premium Prices

Many MSP business owners have qualms when it comes to defining their worth and charging premium rates. They squirm when they give pricing to their clients. You’ll never charge premium rates with that mindset.

You need to stand behind your service. Why does Ferrari charge $200,000 for a car? How does Rolex justify charging thousands of dollars for a watch? These brands produce high end products with the best technology, quality and materials. More importantly, every piece of marketing they produce justifies that and ties back to their brand. Rolex and Ferrari aren’t the only options for time keeping and transportation, but they clearly define their product, why they’re the best and justify their premium prices.

Banishing self-doubt is a key MSP sales secret no one talks about. If you doubt yourself when it comes to charging premium prices, no one is going to hand them over to you and you won’t succeed. You get premium prices by asking for them with 100% confidence, excellent service and darn good marketing to back it up.

Want more MSP sales secrets? Check out our Technology Marketing toolkit. It’s a step-by-step marketing plan for MSP’s, VARS, IT consultants and solutions providers that’s been tested and proven by over 5,000 business owners. It’s specifically designed to help you attract more high-quality leads and clients, increase your profits and take control of your MSP marketing.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]