Marketing Your Managed Services Business

Robin Robins Managed Services


An Easy To Implement Marketing Strategy That Will Help You Close Large IT Managed Services Sales, Faster And Easier
By: Robin Robins, Author of the Managed Services Marketing Blueprint
Are you a managed services provider that wants to land larger contracts? Do you lose sales because clients think your managed IT services are “too much money” or because of sticker shock?
Then try this…
NEVER quote a client on the full or annual price of a managed solution; always give the price in monthly payments. This is particularly important when selling large contracts, or when selling to companies desperately watching their cash-flow.
This is not a new strategy, nor is it “earth-shattering” at first blush, but I can assure you than many managed service providers make the mistake of giving the total annual price up front, scaring off their would-be clients. Think about companies that sell high-ticket items such as cars, homes, timeshares, furniture, etc.  All of these sales people quote their pricing in MONTHLY payments, not the total amount.
After all, it’s much easier to justify the value of a $500 a month managed services payment than a $6,000 annual contract.
I’ve been teaching MSPs to do this for years; and now that the economy is causing companies to tighten their IT budgets, this is an even more important selling strategy.
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