John DiJulius Shares The Secret To Making Price Irrelevant

Robin Robins Entrepreneurship Leave a Comment

John DiJulius is the world’s leading authority on customer service. He is an international consultant and best-selling author of four books on how to become the organization your customers can’t live without.

John works with world class companies like The Ritz-Carlton, Lexus, Starbucks, Nordstrom, Nestlé, Marriott Hotels, Cheesecake Factory, Progressive Insurance, Harley Davidson, Chick-fil-A, and many more.

We had him come speak to our attendees at our first Producers Club meeting of 2022 and members found his information incredibly valuable.  We are thrilled he’ll be speaking at Boot Camp in April.  He had shared the following advice:

Customer Service Revolution

So let me tell you what a customer service revolution is because we take it very seriously.

It is a radical overthrow of conventional business mentality designed to transform what employees and customers experience. This shift produces a culture that permeates into people’s personal lives, at home, and in the community. This, in turn, provides the business with higher sales, morale, and brand loyalty, thus making price irrelevant.

Making Price Irrelevant

You can make price irrelevant.

Now, making price irrelevant doesn’t mean you can double your fees, or even raise them 25% to 50% and not lose existing or potential clients.

Making price irrelevant is based on the experience your brand consistently delivers.

I want to emphasize this- Your brand means consistency with anyone I deal with, not just if I get Joe, who provides great service every time, but when I deal with anyone within your company.

Delivering Consistency

So, anyone I deal with in any channel, based on the experience your brand consistently delivers, your clients have no idea what your competition charges.

Think about that. Every one of us is price sensitive in here.

And I’ve been the idiot that’s driven 3 extra miles to save 50 cents on something.

Not realizing I just lost money in that exchange.

But also, every one of us plus every one of your clients has a few people personally and professionally that they are so loyal to.

They are loyal because of the peace of mind, the relationship they’ve built, their expertise, and how they’re zero risk to do business with, meaning if they drop the ball, they pick it up.

They are so loyal that they don’t even know how they compare to their competition.

That’s what makes price irrelevant; I brag about you and say, “Oh my God, let me tell you how good my firm is.” And someone says, “Well, hold on. What do they charge because mine charges x?” and I’m like, “I don’t know. I can find out but I don’t care, though, because they save me money.”

Join us for Boot Camp April 19-22 to see John DiJulius speak more about creating loyalty in your business.  Get your tickets now.