How To Sell Managed Services And End Price Shopping

Robin Robins IT Managed Services, IT Marketing, IT Sales, Managed Services

Losing sales to competitors who undercut your rates. Lowering profit margins to compete. Clients pushing back on proposals. Any of these scenarios sound familiar?

You’re not alone. As a trusted advisor to over 8,000 IT services business owners, I hear the same feedback from clients repeatedly. It’s not your services that are the issue, it’s about how you approach your IT marketing strategy. I specialize in creating highly effective sales and marketing systems for IT services, helping many of my clients to double and even triple their sales, profits and MRR growth. Here’s how to sell managed services and end price shopping.

Why You Are Getting Price Shopped

You’re an honest, trustworthy vendor who delivers on promises, provides reliable service after the sale and sells them the solution they need. So why are you still getting shopped on price?

It’s your marketing. You’re most likely doing a lousy job of convincing prospects through your marketing, website and sales presentation that you’re better than your competition.

You may be the best computer consultant in the business. But a new prospect can’t validate any of those claims until they work with you. Until you’re hired, you’ll be solely judged on your marketing.

Few customers shop on price alone — they’re also looking for a vendor they can trust. Unless you are selling a commodity or sub-par services, there’s a solution on how to sell managed services.

How To Sell Managed Services With A Convincing Marketing Message

If your marketing is weak and lacks a compelling argument on why prospects should hire you, price will be the determining factor when potential clients choose between you and your competition, even if your services are better.

Here’s how to sell managed services — it starts with your marketing. Here’s what to look for when analyzing your ads, website and other marketing materials.

  • Communicate your expertise. Do your marketing communications clearly define how you will service the customer better than your competitors?
  • Show proof. Do you provide proof with guarantees, client testimonials, case studies or other supporting evidence that you will deliver on your promises and provide excellent service after the sale? It’s not enough to tell prospective clients that you’re better than the competition. You need to show them.
  • Differentiate yourself. Do you clearly define why a prospect should buy from you instead of other vendors providing the same or similar services?

If your marketing looks the same as your competition, then prospects will resort to price-based decisions. If your marketing doesn’t communicate exactly how your business is better, why should they pay more? If you thought you could get the same service, quality and value from vendor A for less money than vendor B, why wouldn’t you choose vendor A?

That’s why you’re getting shopped on price.

Either you’re delivering average quality and service and don’t deserve higher rates, or you’re not effectively communicating in your marketing why prospects should choose you over the competition. Either way, you’re going to lose sales to cheaper competitors.

Quality, service and dependability are expected. If you don’t deliver that at a minimum, you wouldn’t be in business in the first place. Your message needs to be more convincing than that.

Join Us For The Client Attraction And Marketing Blueprint Seminar

If you want to learn how to sell managed services and create your own unique selling proposition (USP) to get profitable new prospects to seek you out, then click here now to join me at an upcoming Client Attraction and Marketing Blueprint seminar. At the seminar, you’ll get to:

  • See how other SMB computer consultants are doubling their qualified leads and number of new clients using a no-sales person marketing system that doesn’t require a sales team or large marketing budget.
  • Discover little known, autopilot marketing systems that cut the time and effort of selling in half. It’s a way to get clients to call you, even with an extremely tight marketing budget.
  • Learn to distinguish between the best marketing methods for how to sell managed services, and which ones will waste your time, drain your bank account and leave you disappointed and frustrated.
  • See real-life case studies and campaigns other VARs, MSPs, and System Integrators have used to attract profitable new clients, sell managed services, fuel referrals and substantially increase profit margins.

Click here now for the seminar agenda, dates, locations, and registration information