How This Joplin MSP Had His Office Building Destroyed, Lost 17 Clients And $13,000 Per Month In Recurring Revenue OVERNIGHT…And STILL Managed To Get A 1,444% Increase To His Bottom Line Last Year Through Smart Marketing

Robin Robins Genius of the Month

Seems like getting marketing DONE is the hard part. Most of us have tons of great ideas for marketing campaigns and have more than enough templates to choose from, but HOW do you find the time to get it all done? And where do you start? That’s what I recently discussed during this interview with my new spokesperson, John Motazedi, SNC Squared.

During my IT Sales and Marketing Boot Camp, John was named winner of the “Better Your Best” contest and was rewarded with a brand new Audi SUV and the title of Spokesperson for Technology Marketing Toolkit. In May of 2011, John survived the tornados of Joplin, Missouri despite the fact that his building was demolished and over 50% of his clients’ buildings were completely destroyed. Overnight he lost $13,000 in recurring monthly revenue. Even through all of this, he never stopped marketing and the result was a 1,444% increase in bottom line profit for the year.

During this interview, John makes some very important statements about how you should approach your marketing and key things that are directly correlated to your overall success. Don’t overlook these gems! Take a listen and take some notes.

Download the audio of the
interview here:
Grab a copy of John’s “Better Your Best” Essay and the Campaigns he used to generate these amazing results: