How MSPs Should Differentiate From Their Competition To Win More Business

Robin Robins MSP Marketing Leave a Comment

Today in a world full of tons of competition in the IT provider space, you have to learn how to build trust with your customers.

One way that you can instantly start building trust with your customers is to have a unique selling proposition that your MSP will never stray from and will work to live out day in, and day out. This means you cannot stand there and say you’re the most responsive MSP but then when a customer calls your office you let them hit voice mail. At that point then you’ve lied to your customers by leading them to believe they could count on you to answer their call, but you weren’t there when they needed you.

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In order to stand out from the competition you’re faced with, you must also create a unique selling proposition for your company.

A unique selling proposition is a statement about your company that you choose to embody, and that truly differentiates you from your competition. You’ve got to completely go all the way. There cannot be a chink in the armor. (See what most miss about setting that up here.)

If you’re telling someone that you’re a very in-demand consultant that people pay a lot of money to get to, but then when they call the office they can be put right through to you and you can pick up the phone, then that doesn’t correspond with the unique selling proposition you claimed. Even if you aren’t really that in demand, then what you would need to do is have your assistant book an appointment for that prospect for two weeks out. Again, even if you don’t have anything going on you would still have to act as if you did, because you have to stay congruent with the message you’re putting out.

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Other examples of unique selling propositions:

Another example of this would be if you’re saying you’re the professional, then you’re saying you’re more organized. This means that all the things like your sales process, for example, need to reflect what you’re actually saying you’re going to do for your service because your sales process is the first demonstration of what it’s going to be like to work with you.

If it’s haphazard, you’re showing up late, not following up, you’ve got typos everywhere, or your materials look cheap… then you cannot say you are a premium provider. If your unique selling proposition claims that you are THE professional and then none of your systems and processes show that, then you are lying to your customers and they will not trust anything you say.

You can’t say on your MSP’s website that your customers love you and you’re the best in town, but then allow an engineer to answer the phone for a prospect and screw it all up by being rude, talking in terms the prospect would never understand and get frustrated with the prospect because they aren’t as good as they should be at diagnostics. You should not allow that type of behavior in your business period, much less if you are going to claim your customers love working with you and you’re the best in town…

The actions of your MSP’s employees, and the experience your customers have, must be congruent with your unique selling proposition if you expect to be able to build trust, stand out from your competition and close more deals!

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