Boosting Our MRR By $7K And Our Revenue By $226K In One Short Year!

Heather Hamby Genius of the Month

Heather Hamby

Heather Hamby,
McCartys IT

Losing a client worth $1,200 in MRR early in the year was a reminder that we were going to have to step up our game. And we did! Today, we religiously mail out our printed McCartys IT Newsletter to all of our customers and leads. As for direct mail campaigns, the Bad Date letters were a big success for us. Plus, we won a new product sale from our TechTip e-mail campaign. We do have quite a few customers saying how much they like the TechTips!

I love holiday-themed campaigns. Our Halloween campaign included rubber skeletons, which earned us so much feedback. Everybody loved them, and we got one appointment from this campaign.

We have our Shock-And-Awe boxes ready, and we send one before every meeting with a potential client. They love them! It is so cool to walk into someone’s office and see our box. One of our clients was gushing over the hassle-free book we authored. It was great to see such enthusiasm from the customer.

We Would Not Have Doubled Our MRR And Quadrupled Our Gross Sales Without Robin

The biggest personal benefit of working with Robin is being part of a team that holds you accountable. First, we hold our teammates accountable. Second, our Technology Marketing Toolkit Accountability Group “All In” keeps us ALL accountable. As a group, we grow and learn from each other about how to do things better.

In 2017, our MRR was $7,189, with no new clients and no new projects. In 2018, we have nearly DOUBLED our MRR to $14,197! Our gross sales from 2017 was only $62,753. In 2018, we increased our gross sales over 4X to $289,267! Finally, we increased our client size from 14 in 2017 to 20 in 2018!

I fully believe that without Robin and her staff, we would not be where we are today. I have learned a lot from Robin’s Rapid Implementation Workshop, and we expect to grow our managed IT business to at least $30K in MRR and $405K in gross revenue. We have figured what we need to do to make this happen, and we are up for the challenge! In five years, I would like to be at a million in gross sales and in 10 years, maybe two million. The sky’s the limit, right?