By Making More In Just 3 Months Than We Did In 6 Full Months Last Year, We Are Transforming From A “Job” To A Business!

Fred Holzsager Genius of the Month

Fred Holzsager

Fred Holzsager,
Holzsager Technology Services, LLC

Robin Did What 2 Previous Coaches Could Not

Hungry to grow, we hired two different computer consulting coaches. Neither of them ever introduced us to a way to actually grow our business. Then we met Robin Robins. She demonstrated how to use her sales and marketing system to generate leads, sales and new revenue. Plus, we spoke with other IT services providers who were effectively using Robin’s methods to grow their businesses.

Last year was a year of change for us. At the Producers Club meeting, we gained the knowledge and confidence to move our business into the cloud. This was a decision we had been wrestling with since Superstorm Sandy hit New Jersey and forced us to close our offices for nearly two weeks. We felt that by “eating our own dog food,” we could present a stronger argument for our clients to reasonably consider cloud as a viable option.

We have been systemizing the processes and workflows in our business on an ongoing basis but recognize the fact that we are currently working a “job” and not a business. A lifestyle business is something I have been living, and I aim to change my results by utilizing new methods I have learned through my Accountability Group as well as presentations at both Producers Club and Boot Camp.

Consistent Marketing = Consistent Results

Throughout this year, we consistently marketed to our client base by mailing hard copies of our Tech Insighter newsletters to about 200 suspects, prospects and clients. Plus, we sent our Security Tips e-mail to about 1,000 people. These efforts keep us top of mind and often generate new appointments and new business by alerting businesspeople to rising concerns in technology.

We also joined a local networking group. As a result of our new contacts, we acquired TWO new clients! We also chose to engage with Technology Marketing Toolkit’s Infusionsoft offering, which features Robin’s campaigns already built in. By automating our business with such tools, we can significantly streamline our processes.

By mid-year, we realized we had implemented a number of sales and marketing initiatives that not only helped automate our business, they resulted in a significant increase in our monthly recurring revenue!

Strengthening Our Accountability And Aligning For Success

We decided as a group to enroll in Robin’s Rapid Implementation Workshop. We felt that having the discipline to attend and address the demands of this workshop would both strengthen our Accountability Group and help get us aligned for even more success.

As a result of attending this workshop and implementing countless marketing initiatives, we made more in our first THREE MONTHS of this year than we did in the first SIX MONTHS of the previous year! It was empowering and a true confidence builder.

This year, I finally broke the $150K barrier! If my goals come to fruition, I expect to break the $200K barrier next year. With Robin’s proven marketing techniques and tools, I know I can do this. That will set our wheels in motion and our progress back on track to change this from a “job” to a business and to make Holzsager Technology Services R.E.A.L.!