Easy Marketing Trick To Generate More IT Services Clients

Robin Robins IT Managed Services, IT Marketing, IT Sales, Managed Services

One of the fastest ways to kill your lead generation mojo on any website, e-mail, landing page, etc., is to focus it on YOU and what YOU do, deliver, provide, etc. A really important point to remember about lead generation is this: ALL you need to do is sell the next step — be it to fill in the form, call a number, request a consultation, etc. To that end, there are two things to test out. The first is the provocative question. The second, flagging your prospect. For example, in the book Words That Sell, you’ll learn several provocative questions that are excellent subject-line starters for e-mails, headlines for landing pages and copy for all lead generation campaign openers, sub-headlines and, of course, headlines:

Isn’t it time to…?

Could you use…?

Aren’t you ready to put an end to…?

Are you endlessly worried about…?

The idea behind using these as headlines, subject lines or openers is to engage the reader AND focus them on a problem they want to solve or a benefit they want to receive. A good question to ponder is this: What question could you ask your prospect that would stop him dead in his tracks, erase all other thoughts from his mind and capture his curiosity to continue reading, listening and (ultimately) take the next action? Bigger question: Do you know your prospects and clients well enough to even craft that type of question?

Next, try combining that provocative question with flagging your prospect. By “flagging,” I mean calling out your prospect in the copy, headline, communication, etc. Example: Doctors: Aren’t You Ready To Put An End To HIPAA Compliance Problems And Worries? So the next time you’re trying to come up with a headline or subject line, try the provocative question combined with a flag.