Are you an expert in creating, selling and delivering disaster recovery plans?

Robin Robins IT Sales, Managed Services, MSP Marketing

I’m looking to hire an expert on creating, selling and delivering disaster recovery plans (not just backup services) to small and medium businesses. I would pay for these consulting services, but don’t know what amount of time and involvement it would require; that will be part of the discovery process I’m conducting right now. The person I’m looking for must meet the following criteria:

  1. They must have extensive experience in creating, selling and implementing IT specific disaster recovery plans for small and medium businesses; not just Fortune 500 companies. If they have experience in non IT business continuity, such as setting up temporary work places, dealing with food, utilities, etc., that’s a plus. However, my focus is on the disaster recovery and business continuity specific to IT systems, data, phone and Internet.
  2. Must be technically proficient with the various backup and disaster recovery technologies (almost everyone we’ll be dealing with on this project will be IT savvy and will want to know the technical aspect of disaster recovery and continuity)
  3. Must understand “consultative selling” and the aspect of working with the client to craft an agreed upon plan based on their needs, budget, etc. They also need to know how to properly set expectations with the client. Ideally, this person would have a process for this.

If you are that person, please email [email protected] with the subject line “Disaster Recovery Plans” with a number to best reach you at to discuss. If you are NOT the right person, please forward this on to anyone you know who fits the project.

Many thanks,
