When Is It Time To Hire A Marketing Person For My MSP?

Robin Robins Q & A With Robin Robins Leave a Comment

I looked at it when I had my MSP business. I had a marketing admin and it was exactly to the point of what Robin has said, in that I looked at it as “What do I need to get done to be able to accomplish what I’m trying to do?” Which at the time was still probably the same thing as everyone, and that is to book appointments. And how do I accomplish that? And taking what they experience, and using that knowledge.

3 Ways To Stay Passionate About Your Business

Robin Robins Q & A With Robin Robins Leave a Comment

In response to a recent question I received from Randy Gilpin, ExcelliMatrix, he asked “What keeps the passion for business?”  I read your question several times, attempting to understand what you’re asking. I believe you are asking what can be done to ensure you have passion for your business – not specifically how I keep the passion for my business. …

How Can My MSP Get Better Social Media Presence?

Robin Robins Q & A With Robin Robins Leave a Comment

Now, the question then is: Is social media the best way for MSPs to get customers in the door?

What is the goal for you? Is it to have your MSP get better social media presence or to get more clients and sales?

What I’m trying to get you to understand is that when you’re running a business, you’ve got to number one: Remember what you’re in business for (and you’re in business to make money) and you’ve got to get customers in the door.

Getting your MSP social media presence is not going to do that in the most direct fashion.