unique selling proposition

The 12 Components A Successful Radio Ad Must Have

Robin Robins MSP Marketing

If you currently use radio advertising to get more clients to outsource their IT support to you or if radio is just something you are considering, check this out… I recently interviewed Fred Catona, CEO of Bull Dozer Digital, on the “secret sauce” to making radio ads work for B-2-B marketing. During this call he revealed a the 12 components …

unique selling proposition

How To Steal Prime Clients Away From Your Competition, Even When Your Prices Are Higher

Robin Robins IT Sales, MSP Marketing

Consider this: your absolute BEST prospect is someone who is already paying money for outsourced IT support. They obviously have a need and have demonstrated a willingness to pay for the types of services you offer. The problem is they are paying someone besides YOU for the service and have an existing relationship in place. So the question then becomes, …

unique selling proposition

Free Audio Download: “How To ‘Switch On’ Your 10 Human Drives To Achieve More In Your Life And Business In The Next Month Than You Have All Year”

Robin Robins MSP Marketing

Get Brendan’s Book, “The Charge” For FREE Here: www.thechargebook.com/comp Are you stuck in a rut? Do you feel like no matter how hard you work you STILL can’t seem to achieve the level of income, success or freedom you want? What’s REALLY holding you back? Fear? Procrastination? I’ll tell you it’s none of those things. The problem is you aren’t …

unique selling proposition

A Word About Ambition

Robin Robins MSP Marketing

An old, bad joke told poorly: A turkey is standing in a field looking at the tops of some nearby trees when a bull walks up and inquires, “Hey turkey, what are you looking at?” The turkey replies, “The tops of those trees there. I’d LOVE to fly all the way up there but my wings just aren’t strong enough …

unique selling proposition

You’ve Got Questions, I Have Answers

Robin Robins Managed Services, MSP Marketing

Q: From Joe Oberman, Florida Healthcare IT, “Do you think I can be successful at marketing?” A: While this may seem like an odd question to some of the members, I think it’s actually one that many people think to themselves, but don’t ask me outright. Therefore, it’s a great one for me to address here. First off, I don’t …

unique selling proposition

The Real Asset In Any Business

Robin Robins Managed Services, MSP Marketing

One of the most overlooked elements of any marketing campaign is the relationship the sender of the campaign has with the list being sent to. Often this is the big variable in campaigns and why one member can get unbelievable response to an offer or a campaign and others fall flat. Current Spokesperson Tom Malesic of EZSolution comes to mind. …

unique selling proposition

Are you an expert in creating, selling and delivering disaster recovery plans?

Robin Robins IT Sales, Managed Services, MSP Marketing

I’m looking to hire an expert on creating, selling and delivering disaster recovery plans (not just backup services) to small and medium businesses. I would pay for these consulting services, but don’t know what amount of time and involvement it would require; that will be part of the discovery process I’m conducting right now. The person I’m looking for must …

unique selling proposition

How To Create 20+ High Quality, Traffic Building Video Blog Posts In Less Than 2 Hours

Robin Robins MSP Marketing Leave a Comment

Online web videos can build a great amount of personality and credibility in your marketing. The reason that video is such a great social media tool is that it provides your ideal clients with information that instantly builds your relationship with them, gives you credibility and helps you to generate sales leads. BUT… Shooting a video of yourself can be …

unique selling proposition

How To Create 20+ High Quality, Traffic Building Video Blog Posts In Less Than 2 Hours

Robin Robins MSP Marketing

Online web videos can build a great amount of personality and credibility in your marketing. The reason that video is such a great social media tool is that it provides your ideal clients with information that instantly builds your relationship with them, gives you credibility and helps you to generate sales leads. BUT… Shooting a video of yourself can be …