unique selling proposition

The Right Way To Have The Dreaded “Price” Discussion With New Prospects

Robin Robins IT Sales, MSP Marketing

Over the last several months I’ve been listening to recordings of inbound phone calls to my clients’ offices (MSPs) from prospects coming to them via a search on Google for IT support. My intention was to listen for common­alities in questions, words or comments that I could then use in headlines and offers to improve the conversion on these particular …

unique selling proposition

7 Key Strategies For Building Your Marketing List

Robin Robins MSP Marketing

Building your marketing list is a very “unsexy” necessity when it comes to building your marketing system. To many, list building is a mundane task, and this activity alone certainly does not generate any leads. Perhaps this is why many members struggle with this and opt for the route of “I’m just going to buy a list from and check …

unique selling proposition

5 Strategies You MUST Understand To Succeed At Acquiring New Clients

Robin Robins MSP Marketing

I got an e-mail from a client who was disappointed because he was mailing 40-50 direct mail letters a week to new prospects (cold list) and “only” getting an average of 6 responses from each batch he sent out. Well jumpin’ Jehosaphat, Batman! But worse yet is that he wants a different letter because the people responding aren’t the type …

unique selling proposition

“It’s not having what you want…It’s wanting what you’ve got.”

Robin Robins MSP Marketing

~Lyrics from the Sheryl Crow song, Soak Up The Sun Last month Jeff organized a company dinner and night out to see Sheryl Crow deliver a small, private performance at the Franklin Theatre. The event was a charity benefit for New Hope Academy, a private school in Franklin that gives scholarships to kids in low-income families, (Sheryl’s kids go to …

unique selling proposition

“My Life, Every Day, Is A Big, Fat Fight.”

Robin Robins MSP Marketing

I heard Donald Trump say that once during the boardroom scene of a Celebrity Apprentice episode to a guy who was complaining about the stress of fighting, constantly, with the other contestants. He said to Trump (paraphrased), “You don’t tolerate this kind of fighting every day in your life, do you?” to which Trump quickly replied that indeed he did, …

unique selling proposition

“If You Think Education Is Expensive, Try Ignorance.”

Robin Robins MSP Marketing

– Attributed to both Andy McIntyre and Derek Bok I just got back from New York City where I spent two full days with some of the best and brightest minds in marketing, leadership, health, science and business at my friend Joe Polish’s $25K group (named for the annual membership fee).  Many people don’t know that I was the one …

unique selling proposition

Hitting The Snooze Button

Robin Robins MSP Marketing

Before every Producers Club meeting, we poll the Members to see what topics they want me to cover. For the last 3 meetings the #1 content request was, in some shape or form, about getting things done (specifically marketing) and time management. This is, admittedly, perplexing to me since once I’ve covered it, the strategies don’t change, so I’m left …