unique selling proposition

The 8 Most Powerful Moneymaking Lessons I Learned From The Multimillionaire IT Business Tycoon Robert Herjavec

Robin Robins MSP Marketing

This month I’m taking a radical change from the “norm” in this newsletter to deliver a report on what I learned after spending a day with Robert Herjavec, CEO of a $150 million Canadian IT security firm, the Herjavec Group, and #1 shark on CNBC’s reality show Shark Tank. This IS an abbreviated version of the full report that I …

unique selling proposition

Time For My Mid-Year Kick In Yer Butt

Robin Robins MSP Marketing

Where are you in relation to those New Year’s goals you set six months ago? Did you even set ’em? As the saying goes, hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard. Of course, some people aren’t talented and won’t work hard. Double whammy. Kinda like being stupid AND ugly. Lotsa luck in life, bubba. The other day a …

unique selling proposition

When To Give Up On A Marketing Campaign Or Strategy

Robin Robins MSP Marketing

I’ve heard it a million times: “((Fill in the blank)) doesn’t work.” Be it telemarketing, direct mail, can­vassing, webinars, etc., etc., etc. Oddly enough, I ONLY hear that about marketing that costs money; I never hear anyone lament about Facebook posts, Twitter or LinkedIn, even though I’ve not had any client show me a documented, direct line from this type …

unique selling proposition

The 4-Letter Word Keeping You From Believing In Yourself

Robin Robins MSP Marketing

Last month I brought Tony Horton to speak to the Producers Club. In the rare event you’re not familiar with him—even if only by name, due to the extensive advertising done by Beach Body—he’s the star fitness trainer of the P90X home DVD workout series. On various fronts, it’s the #1 best-selling home fitness program of all time, netting over …

unique selling proposition

Back To School Marketing – Lesson 2 – USP 101: Why Should I Choose You Over Any And Every Other Option Available To Me?

Robin Robins MSP Marketing

The above is one of the most basic, fundamental questions we need to answer for our customers. Recently a new member, Anthony Hernandez of Full Service Tech, Inc. asked “How do I develop an effective USP?” The longer, more detailed and accurate answer is found in both the Toolkit and Blueprint with exercises provided for doing client and market research. …

unique selling proposition

Back To School Marketing 101: Lesson 1 Lead Generation – How To Keep The Pipeline Full

Robin Robins MSP Marketing

In a recent conversation I was having with Verne Harnish, author of the Rockefeller Habits, he mentioned the #1 KPI to watch for growth in a company was “lead generation.” In another interview I did with Paul Chishom, the CEO of mindSHIFT, he also referenced “sales pipeline management” as the #1 reason for taking mindSHIFT from $5 million to $120 …

unique selling proposition

5 Easy Ways To Instantly Make Your Web Site Sell Better

Robin Robins MSP Marketing

One of the best revolutions to happen in the marketing world is online or web site marketing. The cost of developing and hosting a web site is infinitely insignificant to the amount of money it can generate. Unlike other advertising mediums like direct mail, yellow pages, networking, etc., a web site works 24/7/365, the results are instant, and you can …

unique selling proposition

The Missing Key To Getting Prospects To Respond

Robin Robins MSP Marketing

Some of you may recall several years ago when the Dixie Chicks, a popular country music band, caught massive backlash from their fans when they expressed how disappointed they were with America and George Bush at a live concert. That one comment prompted several radio stations across the US to ban all Dixie Chick songs from being aired on their …