unique selling proposition

Not All Leads Are Created Equal – 3 Things You Should Know To Spend Your Marketing Dollars Wisely

Robin Robins IT Managed Services, IT Marketing, IT Sales, Managed Services, MSP Marketing

Recently, a Producers Club member reached out to discuss her marketing plan for the upcoming year. In preparation, she broke down all the leads generated from the previous year by source: direct mail, referrals, SEO, trade shows, e-mail (which is really a lead activation campaign triggered by e-mail follow-up), Facebook and telemarketing. However, what she failed to provide – and …

unique selling proposition

How To Secure An EXTREME Advantage Over Your Competition And Make More Money By Not Acting “Normal”

Robin Robins IT Managed Services, IT Marketing, IT Sales, Managed Services, MSP Marketing, Technology Marketing

This shocking statement just in from the US National Library of Medicine regarding diets: “They all work…when you stick to them.” Back when I was teaching fitness classes, the most common question I would get was “What is the BEST exercise I should do for _______ ?” with the blank being filled in with the body part or thing they …

unique selling proposition

Is This Avoidable Mistake Serving Up Clients Directly To Your Competitors?

Robin Robins IT Managed Services, IT Marketing, IT Sales, Managed Services, MSP Marketing

According to an article on SiteImprove, 131 of 135 websites analyzed (97%) had broken links and errors on their web page. The websites they focused on were all Fortune 1000 companies, who arguably have the resources (money and staff) to ensure this doesn’t happen. YIKES! While there’s no truly accurate way of determining what percentage of marketing campaigns go out …

unique selling proposition

Do You Know What Marketing Systems And Processes Look Like?

Robin Robins IT Managed Services, IT Marketing, IT Sales, Managed Services, MSP Marketing

One of the biggest reasons people fail in marketing is that they never get beyond random, episodic campaigns to marketing assets built on SYSTEMS and PROCESS. The other day a marketing manager asked if we had any “summer” campaigns she could run; she said she had already done a number of our campaigns and wanted something “new.” Something for the …

unique selling proposition

MARKETING FIREWORKS: Using Ego Appeal in Marketing Your MSP

Robin Robins IT Managed Services, IT Marketing, IT Sales, MSP Marketing

I’ve often said marketing is simply psychology plus math…a “manipulation” of emotions and focus with an intent to get a prospective client to buy from you. Most people cringe at the thought of using any type of emotional appeal in their advertising, yet it’s been proven over and over again that all human beings make their buying decisions based on …

unique selling proposition

When It Comes TO MSP Sales, No Guts, No Glory (Or Money)

Robin Robins IT Managed Services, IT Marketing, IT Sales, Managed Services, MSP Marketing, Technology Marketing

Last year I started a book club with my team where we all read and/or listen to an educational program and get together on Friday morning to discuss and look for practical applications of the ideas. One of our first books was Fanatical Prospecting by Jeb Blount and it’s still top of mind a year later for underscoring one very …

unique selling proposition

How To Tell If Your Marketing Is Productive

Robin Robins MSP Marketing

From AdWeek: 62% of small businesses see NO return on their investment in Facebook. From Forbes: 44% of businesses can’t even measure social media ROI. Despite this, according to a survey from the Manifest, 63% of small businesses plan on increasing their spend on social media (!). One social media “expert” commenting on this said that “not all social media …

unique selling proposition

Before You Outsource Your Marketing, Consider These 6 Tips

Robin Robins MSP Marketing

I recently saw a website selling marketing services to MSPs that offered to “send out blurbs several times a week” via your company’s social media pages. Another offered to do “e-mail blasts” to your list. It got me thinking … is that really how you think of essential communications to your clients and prospects who you are trying to build …

unique selling proposition

How To Use Tradeshows To Attract Clients

Mike Stodola MSP Marketing

“We tell our customers to try something different to grow their businesses, so I knew we had to do the same,” explained Dana Liedholm, Chief Marketing Officer for ID Agent. And they didn’t just try to do one thing different, they did everything different… and the result was 87 new partners in just three days, PLUS re-engaging a lot of …