unique selling proposition

How To Keep The “Hidden” Decision Maker From Cooking You Like A Thanksgiving Turkey

Robin Robins IT Managed Services, IT Marketing, IT Sales, Managed Services

One of the most productive and useful things you can do to work on your marketing and sales for your IT business is NEGATIVE PREPARATION: think of every reason a prospect won’t buy – every obstacle, concern and issue that causes anxiety – then go to work in preparing your process to address it EARLY and, ultimately, address it, minimize …

unique selling proposition

How Easily Are You FOOLED By An Idiot In An Expert’s Costume?

Robin Robins IT Marketing, IT Sales, Managed Services, MSP Marketing

John Edwards, the psychic medium known for talking to people’s dead relatives, makes millions selling tickets to two-hour events all over the world where he performs (key word: PERFORMS) his psychic feat to people wanting to believe in the afterlife, the ability to connect with lost family members and who have an intense curiosity to discover if he’s the real …

unique selling proposition

A Big, Misunderstood Secret To Premium Pricing In Your IT Services Business

Robin Robins IT Managed Services, IT Marketing, IT Sales, Managed Services

When you want to show how filthy rich and successful you are, details matter. That’s why you need to have gold-plated staples, sold in packs of 24 for $175. Or how about a Tiffany tennis-ball-canister … for $1,500? And if you really want to show off on the courts, you can hydrate yourself with a $60,000 bottle of Icelandic glacier …

unique selling proposition

Increase IT Services Sales By Making It Easier To Buy

Robin Robins IT Managed Services, IT Marketing, IT Sales, Managed Services, MSP Marketing, Technology Marketing

One night in 1936, Sylvan Goldman, owner of the Humpty Dumpty supermarket chain in Oklahoma, sat in his office trying to figure out how to get customers to buy more groceries. Observing clients as they shopped, he noticed that many of them were struggling to carry the normal shopping basket provided, particularly the moms with kids. Once they got to …

unique selling proposition

Ring-Ring! Is There ANYBODY There Who Can Take My Money?

Robin Robins IT Managed Services, IT Marketing, IT Sales, Managed Services

At every Rapid Implementation Workshop (www.RapidImplementationWorkshop.com), I take attendees through an exercise of secret shopping each other’s businesses. The scenario we give them is this: You are the Operations Manager of a company with 26 employees. Your server keeps rebooting, and your current IT company can’t come out to fix it until Tuesday of next week (three days from now). …

unique selling proposition

Selling IT Services To The Government

Robin Robins IT Managed Services, IT Marketing, IT Sales, Managed Services, MSP Marketing

The United States government is the largest customer in the world. They buy millions of dollars in services and products every year. Landing an IT government contract can be a huge boost for your business. But it’s not about grabbing for any government contract you can find. You need to make sure it’s the right opportunity for you. Today we’re …

unique selling proposition

How To Get Prospects To Pay Attention To Your MSP Marketing Message

Robin Robins IT Managed Services, IT Marketing, IT Sales, Managed Services, MSP Marketing

If you asked one hundred computer consultants what they want to accomplish with their marketing, over 90% would say “generate more awareness.” Here’s why that’s not the best approach for your MSP marketing message. While awareness is a worthy goal, many don’t realize how difficult it is. The average American is bombarded with over 3,000 marketing messages a day. With …

unique selling proposition

How To Create A Convincing IT Services Guarantee

Robin Robins IT Managed Services, IT Marketing, IT Sales, Managed Services

I get squeamish emails from clients all the time asking if they need to offer an IT services guarantee. Here’s my final position on the matter — if you’re looking for an easy way to differentiate yourself from the competition and overcome price resistance, the answer is yes. Guarantee What You Sell If you can’t guarantee what you sell, you …