unique selling proposition

You’ve Got Questions, I Have Answers

Robin Robins Managed Services, MSP Marketing

Q: From Joe Oberman, Florida Healthcare IT, “Do you think I can be successful at marketing?” A: While this may seem like an odd question to some of the members, I think it’s actually one that many people think to themselves, but don’t ask me outright. Therefore, it’s a great one for me to address here. First off, I don’t …

unique selling proposition

The Real Asset In Any Business

Robin Robins Managed Services, MSP Marketing

One of the most overlooked elements of any marketing campaign is the relationship the sender of the campaign has with the list being sent to. Often this is the big variable in campaigns and why one member can get unbelievable response to an offer or a campaign and others fall flat. Current Spokesperson Tom Malesic of EZSolution comes to mind. …

unique selling proposition

Are you an expert in creating, selling and delivering disaster recovery plans?

Robin Robins IT Sales, Managed Services, MSP Marketing

I’m looking to hire an expert on creating, selling and delivering disaster recovery plans (not just backup services) to small and medium businesses. I would pay for these consulting services, but don’t know what amount of time and involvement it would require; that will be part of the discovery process I’m conducting right now. The person I’m looking for must …

unique selling proposition

The Biggest Revenue Opportunity Overlooked By Most IT Businesses

Robin Robins IT Managed Services, IT Marketing, IT Sales, Managed Services

Just recently I hired a personal trainer (a.k.a. “Mean Old Luke”). Nothing too surprising here EXCEPT that I’ve been a member of two gyms in this area, one for 2 years and the other for over 4 years—both who sell personal training. Yet neither of them has ever attempted to try and upsell me on any of the other services …

unique selling proposition

Do You Expect To Lose?

Robin Robins Managed Services

Years ago when I was selling high end technical training to IT professionals for a living, the biggest sales objection I heard all day long was, “If my employer isn’t going to pay for it, I’m not going.” As the owner of an IT services company who employs these folks, this may not come as a shock to you. In …

unique selling proposition

Wow, Another Year Over…

Robin Robins Computer Consultants, Managed Services

..and a fresh, new exciting one about to begin. Although I think it’s a bad idea to only ―check in on how you are doing once a year in January, I can’t help but be a bit more reflective at the end of the year looking back over the events that have happened and asking myself three things: What did …

unique selling proposition

How To Score Appointments And Sales With Bigger Clients

Robin Robins Managed Services, Technology Marketing

7 Fundamentals To Successfully Sell To Bigger Accounts Approach prospects with CONFIDENCE. There is nothing more detrimental to the sales process than appearing needy, nervous or insecure. Start at the TOP. Never forget that you are dealing with PEOPLE and that EMOTIONS are driving their decisions regardless of how big or small the organization. The key drivers are: Fear Ego …

unique selling proposition

Marketing Your Managed Services Business

Robin Robins Managed Services

    An Easy To Implement Marketing Strategy That Will Help You Close Large IT Managed Services Sales, Faster And Easier By: Robin Robins, Author of the Managed Services Marketing Blueprint Are you a managed services provider that wants to land larger contracts? Do you lose sales because clients think your managed IT services are “too much money” or because …