3 Critical Relationship Strategies To Employ Right Now

Robin Robins IT Marketing, MSP Marketing

I’ve repeatedly said that the single biggest, most valuable asset of any business is your list and the relationship you have with it (prospects, clients). EVERY successful company has a relationship strategy. Some through outright dependence (think utilities), addiction (coffee, fast food, cigarettes), or what Qubein would call “brand insistence” and loyalty, which is what the likes of you and …

unique selling proposition

What Most Miss About Their Unique Selling Proposition

Robin Robins IT Marketing, MSP Marketing

One of the most powerful marketing and business advantages you can give yourself that accelerates the sales process and dampens, and often nearly eliminates, price resistance is the USP or unique selling proposition. Candidly, most can’t articulate one because they don’t HAVE one. This is not to be overlooked or skipped over. The question “Why should I choose you over …

Is Apple Going Out Of Business?

Robin Robins IT Marketing

Apple, originally Apple Computer Company, recently announced that computer sales accounted for just 10.4% of their revenue in 2020. In 2000 computers accounted for 86% of Apple’s revenue. Are they in trouble or going out of business? Not anytime soon… Since 2000 their computer sales have increased 400%, but their overall sales have increased by a staggering 3,000%! Can you …

unique selling proposition

What Makes A “Qualified” Lead?

Robin Robins IT Marketing, MSP Marketing

Ah, the age-old whine of the failing salesperson: The leads are WEAK! Some people would automatically dismiss this as a lazy salesperson’s excuse (which often IS the case) – but thinking that ALL leads are good is just as foolish. There ARE times, when leads generated, are NOT qualified leads and not worth the effort of a salesperson to pursue …

unique selling proposition

Back To Basics Marketing 101: How To Classify And Qualify Inbound Leads To Maximize Sales

Robin Robins IT Marketing, MSP Marketing

Did you know IT services firms lose THOUSANDS of dollars every year due to very poor or non-existent follow up on the leads they generate? Recently we’ve been getting a LOT of questions from members wanting clarification on how to properly classify and qualify inbound leads to maximize sales.  I would suggest you read through and then go back to …

unique selling proposition

The Single, Simple Trick That Will Get 3 To 4 Times More Response From Every Single Marketing Campaign, Guaranteed

Robin Robins IT Marketing, MSP Marketing

Any ideas on what it is? Hint: It’s the thing that got you to read this article – the headline. The headline is “the ad for the ad.” It’s the device that, if well-written, will stop the right reader-prospect in their tracks and get them involved in reading your campaign and taking action. In the example above, I could have …

unique selling proposition

The Importance Of Demonstrating Your Expertise

Robin Robins IT Marketing, IT Sales

Here’s a chapter for “how NOT to close a prospect.” Last month Ryan Markel brought to my attention someone who is teaching MSPs how to grow their sales departments, suggesting we engage in some manner. Initially, I’m very interested, as I’m ever interested in bringing fresh new moneymaking ideas to my members. I instantly have ideas about how I can …