unique selling proposition

The Single Biggest Source Of Sales That Almost Everyone Overlooks

Robin Robins IT Managed Services, IT Marketing, IT Sales, Managed Services, MSP Marketing, Technology Marketing

The other day I got a call on my cell phone from Bank of America from a women who claims she helped me open my account roughly 14 years ago wanting to “get back in touch” and “see if there’s anything I can help you with.” Of course, I didn’t call her back, although I felt like ripping her a …

unique selling proposition

Stop Making These Mistakes When Using Testimonials!

Robin Robins Entrepreneurship, IT Managed Services, IT Marketing, MSP Marketing, Technology Marketing

One of the most important things your marketing must accomplish is establishing trust and credibility. We live in a very non-trusting society, and without earning a prospect’s trust, you won’t make the sale. One incredibly powerful tool for establishing trust is the use of an abundance of quality testimonials — yet I see so many businesses making the mistake of …

unique selling proposition

The Most Horrifying Word In E-mail Marketing

Robin Robins IT Managed Services, IT Marketing, IT Sales, Managed Services, MSP Marketing, Technology Marketing

Not “spam” but “junk folder.” Okay, that’s two, but it’s my newsletter so I get a little poetic license. Trivial matters aside, study after study shows that the average click-thru rate for most e-mail is in the 2%-3% range, meaning a whopping 97%-98% never had a chance to connect with your recipient – and people aren’t just deleting you, they’re …

unique selling proposition

The Most Expensive Advice Is…

Robin Robins IT Managed Services, IT Marketing, IT Sales, Managed Services, MSP Marketing, Technology Marketing

In looking through the classified ads in the back of Response magazine (opposite), I was appalled to discover that not one single advertisement – NOT ONE – used direct response marketing. ALL lacked a compelling headline, OFFER, benefits or testimonials, and MANY didn’t have a means for responding – which is the entire purpose of direct response marketing: to elicit …

unique selling proposition

How Well Do You Really Know Your Target Market?

Robin Robins IT Marketing

At the Roadshow, I’ve been going over a three-page list of questions you ought to be able to answer about your customers and/or selected target market if you’re going to have any hope of successfully selling services to them at premium prices. Naturally, most are stumped by the first three on the list, with one being “How big is your …

unique selling proposition

What Are The Steps To Properly Brand My New Startup Company? (My Answer)

Robin Robins IT Managed Services, IT Marketing, IT Sales, Managed Services, Technology Marketing

Two questions from Brad Ashmore, Practical Technology Services: 1. “Can you provide the steps to properly brand my new startup company?” 2. “What is the best way to find a qualified business partner to join me in this new venture?” As a new startup, you have a special place in my heart because I’ve been in your shoes. And since you’re …

unique selling proposition

Having Cojones Of Steel When Marketing Your Business

Robin Robins IT Marketing

A few years back the Better Business Bureau cancelled one of my client’s memberships because they thought his marketing was “too aggressive.” Particularly his web site where he clearly and specifically stated why a prospect should choose his company over every other IT service company in the area (which I wrote for him). His reaction was the same as mine: …

unique selling proposition

New Year, New You?

Robin Robins IT Marketing

I hate dieting. Requires a LOT of self-discipline; a word that is usually associated with Nuns and flogging. To me, eating good food with an excellent vino is one of the great pleasures in life…and I do mean GOOD food…not the factory-made mystery meat, intestine-clogging cryogenically manufactured corn products, or the anti-freeze dipped mock-vegetables Taco Bell tries to pass off …

unique selling proposition

Got Marketing Questions? Robin’s Got Answers…

Robin Robins IT Marketing

Q: From John Micciche, Micciche Computer Services: “What’s the most common mistake business owners make that causes them to go out of business?” A: While it seems an incredibly self-serving answer, ineffective or non-existent marketing to bring in new customers. Put another way, a complete lack of systems or process to generate sales and profits on a consistent basis. After …