unique selling proposition

You submit a proposal to a client, but then you can’t get the prospect to call you back, much less buy.

Robin Robins IT Managed Services

Root Cause: Chances are you didn’t qualify the prospect well enough, AND you made the mistake of using the proposal to close the sale instead of using it ONLY as a way to solidify on paper what you’ve already discussed and agreed to in person. A lot of people request proposals as a nice way of saying, “I’m not interested.” …

unique selling proposition

The Power of Take-Away Selling

Robin Robins IT Managed Services

I’ve heard it said that Harvard didn’t become the prestigious school they are today based on who they admitted; they become Harvard based on who they kept OUT. One of the most powerful sales and marketing techniques you can employ is take away selling. That is basically where you position yourself as “THE” go-to-expert in your city or industry and …

unique selling proposition

Trick or Treat: Naysayer, Realist, or Fool?

Robin Robins IT Managed Services

The other day I received an article from eChannelLine where an IDC author wrote, “Buyer optimism is at its lowest point this year…” and that “buyer optimism is clearly on the wane with August marking the fifth consecutive month of flat or falling buyer intent.” Notice they didn’t say sales – just “buyer intent,” whatever the heck that is. This …

unique selling proposition

Scariest New Trend: Give Me, Give ME, GIVE ME!!!

Robin Robins IT Managed Services

Have you seen the latest product called P.B. Slices? It’s peanut butter formed into pre-packaged slices like cheese so you don’t have to spread it onto bread. I think it was P.T. Barnum who said that no man will go broke banking on the laziness of the average man. This is just a micro example of a trend in America …

unique selling proposition

Sales Follow-Up As Transparent As A Ghost

Robin Robins IT Managed Services

I’m always amazed at how non- existent follow-up is with companies that obviously want to generate more sales. Over the last month, I’ve been shopping online to purchase a new sofa. From the number of sites available and amount being spent on ad words, I can safely assume that the furniture industry is a very competitive business. Yet, these very …

unique selling proposition

Get Control of Where You Are Spending Your Time

Robin Robins IT Managed Services

New Year’s Resolution #6: GET CONTROL OF WHERE YOU ARE SPENDING YOUR TIME. The last Master Mind Call was on the topic of planning and prioritizing where you spend your time for maximum productivity. If you were on this call (and all of you should have either been on the call or listened to the recording by now), you should …

unique selling proposition

Using Testimonials in Your Marketing

Robin Robins IT Managed Services

The single biggest marketing mistake I see on a regular basis is lack of testimonials or other proof. Get this straight: none of the prospects you market to have any reason to believe a word of what you are saying. As far as they are concerned, you are just like all of the other average businesses out there that screw …

unique selling proposition

How To Get Your Competition Fired Without Slandering Them Or Cutting Your Prices

Robin Robins IT Managed Services

Since I’ve started taking about objections, I want to spend some time talking about a big, common, objection that you most certainly trip over on a daily basis: “I’ve already got someone just like you supporting my network.” Good marketing is not just about selling the benefits of outsourcing IT support. If you are correctly targeting the right types of …