unique selling proposition

What Are The Steps To Properly Brand My New Startup Company? (My Answer)

Robin Robins IT Managed Services, IT Marketing, IT Sales, Managed Services, Technology Marketing

Two questions from Brad Ashmore, Practical Technology Services: 1. “Can you provide the steps to properly brand my new startup company?” 2. “What is the best way to find a qualified business partner to join me in this new venture?” As a new startup, you have a special place in my heart because I’ve been in your shoes. And since you’re …

unique selling proposition

4 Facebook Plugins To Increase Traffic, Followers And Credibility

Robin Robins IT Managed Services

Does your website incorporate any social interactivity on it? I’m talking about more than a little Facebook logo that directs to your company page… something with more substance that actually KEEPS your website visitors on your page at that same time. If not, you may want to test the use of Facebook’s social plugins to easily accomplish this—but be careful! …

unique selling proposition

The Biggest Revenue Opportunity Overlooked By Most IT Businesses

Robin Robins IT Managed Services, IT Marketing, IT Sales, Managed Services

Just recently I hired a personal trainer (a.k.a. “Mean Old Luke”). Nothing too surprising here EXCEPT that I’ve been a member of two gyms in this area, one for 2 years and the other for over 4 years—both who sell personal training. Yet neither of them has ever attempted to try and upsell me on any of the other services …

unique selling proposition

How To Avoid Losing Your Biggest Client To A Bigger Competitor

Robin Robins IT Managed Services

Just recently a client shared with me an interesting story about how they lost their biggest client to a competitor who was charging SIGNIFICANTLY MORE for their services. This MSP told me they had given this client their personal cell phone numbers to ensure immediate response times, and had done a number of projects and fixes for free. Not too …

unique selling proposition

The Biggest Myths of Marketing IT Services

Robin Robins IT Managed Services

When it comes to marketing, everyone has an opinion – right or wrong. Ask any business owner in this industry about what is the best way to market your business and everyone will have a different answer. Problem is, many of those opinions are just that – opinions. They are NOT based on extensive research or testing. Instead, they are …

unique selling proposition

You Aren’t Microsoft, Dell, or IBM – So Why Are You Marketing Your Business The Same Way?

Robin Robins IT Managed Services

I was flipping through a copy of CRN the other day and was, yet again, disappointed by the unbelievably bad marketing and monumental waste of money. I think it is this incredible void of good marketing examples that makes this industry rife with marketing that just plain sucks. Not one great offer. Not one compelling headline. Not one specific, targeted, …

unique selling proposition

How To Generate Quick Sales Surges In Your Business

Robin Robins IT Managed Services

I consistently get asked the question “What’s the #1 thing that I should do to generate sales FAST in my business?”.  This question usually comes from a business owner that has neglected sales and marketing in the past and is now in a pinch for cash, doesn’t have any money to start marketing their business and needs whatever they do …

unique selling proposition

Keeping Your Commitments

Robin Robins IT Managed Services

From a Wanda Sykes stand up routine: “When you get married, you stand there and say until death do you part. That’s what you say in your marriage vows…you make that commitment….we’ll stay together forever. Yet the divorce rate is sky high—so everyone’s just standing there lying their asses off. Why don’t we just be honest and come clean. Why …

unique selling proposition

Why Being A “Good” Technician, Manager, Salesperson Or Entrepreneur Is NOT Enough – You Need To Apply The “Second Effort”

Robin Robins Computer Consultants, IT Managed Services, IT Sales

Vince Lombardi loved to talk about the concept of the second effort. In fact, it’s the basis of a short sales training movie created in 1968 that is still showed to sales teams in training programs today. Lombardi is famous for showing his players football clips of receivers who almost caught the ball, but let it slip through their fingers. …