8 cybersecurity campaigns

Sell More Cybersecurity Services With These 8 MSP Marketing Campaigns

Robin Robins IT Managed Services, IT Marketing, Managed Services, MSP Marketing, Technology Marketing

Cybersecurity has been the most talked about topic on every business owner’s mind. Cybersecurity services are in high demand, but many IT services firms aren’t capitalizing on this recurring revenue stream. Because of this, there is ample opportunity for you to educate your clients and prospects about emerging threats — and why they can’t afford to skimp on your cybersecurity …

The Power Of Giving Thanks To Your Prospects And Clients

Robin Robins IT Managed Services, IT Marketing, IT Sales, Managed Services, MSP Marketing

It’s a short week for many of us as we prepare to spend time with our families and celebrate Thanksgiving. So this week I’m going to share a brief, but powerful lesson: USE HANDWRITTEN THANK-YOU NOTES! We used to send Jamie and Emily (aged eight and five at the time) to Roots Academy for singing lessons. I received a handwritten …

Robin Robins and Bruce McCully

Breaking Trend: How Insurance Companies Are Causing MSPs To Lose BIG Clients (And How You Can Stop This)

Robin Robins IT Managed Services Leave a Comment

In case you have not seen this lately, insurance companies are showing up with their own security teams. The other thing that we’re seeing out there is insurance companies are scanning your largest clients and then sending them a nasty note, basically talking about dropping their policy. They’re telling YOUR clients that they will drop their insurance coverage if YOU …

unique selling proposition

What Is MSP Marketing? 21 Strategies To Drive New Business

Robin Robins IT Managed Services, Managed Services, MSP Marketing, Technology Marketing

As a managed services provider, you make IT support accessible to companies of all shapes and sizes. But without effective MSP marketing in place, you miss out on opportunities to acquire monthly recurring revenue and grow your business. By working with thousands of MSPs across the U.S., we’ve found many struggle with lead generation and closing the loop with new …

The Most Valuable Asset In Your IT Services Business

Robin Robins IT Managed Services Leave a Comment

In marketing, you’ve got to be able to segment and pull a list appropriately. A bad list is a lot like bad hygiene- they don’t have email addresses, phone numbers, or job titles. There’s a lot of missing/wrong data, buying history and everything else. When you look at any campaign, you can’t say it’s just one element, because really marketing …

Getting “Into” The Customer

Robin Robins Entrepreneurship, IT Managed Services, IT Marketing, IT Sales, Managed Services, MSP Marketing, Technology Marketing

There’s an old sales joke about a hotshot sales guy sitting down with a little old lady to sell her a new heater. He tells her all about how the heater is made in America and has the highest-quality ratings for efficiency and safety, about the BTUs, construction, warranties and other features. When he finally shuts up, she says, “I …