After 3 Years With Robin, We Are STILL GROWING! 2 Years Ago, We Had 32% Growth – Last Year We Had 20% Growth, Added 16 Clients And TRIPLED Profits!

Adam Pittman Genius of the Month

The Year Of Controlled Growth Two years ago, Computerbilities grew 32%. Sure, any growth is positive for a business, but there were unintended consequences. Coming into last year, it needed to be the year to control growth, focus on nailing down our processes and learn ways to become more profitable. I never really had a formal sales process. When a …

Consistency In Marketing Drove Our Monthly Recurring Revenue From $12,434 To $18,263 Per Month… A 46% Increase!

Maria Partridge Genius of the Month

Feeling Stumped Is NOT An Option It’s not magic. You don’t wake up every morning knowing exactly what to do and watch as your sales numbers take off like a rocket. We had doubts. We were overwhelmed. We agonized over whether we were doing things correctly. At times, I wonder what I can possibly contribute to our fellow Producers Club …

Robin Reignited My Passion For Marketing And It Worked To The Tune Of $513,166 In Gross Sales And $149,804 In Net Profits!

Peter Verlezza Genius of the Month

Admittedly, I Became Fat, Dumb And Happy I’ve been working with Robin Robins and been a Producers Club member for over 10 years now. Before discovering Robin, SMB Networks wasn’t profitable and didn’t have any reliable ways to attract new clients. Her marketing strategies and campaigns helped us to break free from the world of break-fix to become a reputable …

How I Grew My Company More In 90 Days Than I Did In The Previous 6 Years (2,190 Days) COMBINED – $258,612 In Increased MRR!

Tom Glover Genius of the Month

They Were The Busiest 3 Months Of My Entire Life. And I LOVED Every Second Of It! Give me a choice of staying busy or being bored, I’ll always choose to stay busy. I joke that if this IT thing falls through, I can always be a circus juggler. I knew the three months of the Rapid Implementation Workshop would …

I’ve Increased Revenue From $1.2M to 1.75M, Profits Are Up 642%… And I’m Living A Life I Love With My Family!

Fred Sagester Genius of the Month

Taking My “Underdog” Business To SUPERHERO Status Does this sound like you? You’ve spun your wheels in your IT business for years. But you’re in a deep rut. Growing your business by improving your sales and marketing is ALWAYS at the top of your priority list…but you NEVER take action because you’re just too busy. Instead, you keep spending long …

“Becoming A ‘Wealth-Building Business’ By Growing Revenue Beyond $2M (Up $535K) And Net Profit By 2,100%… All In ONE YEAR!”

Bob Coppedge Genius of the Month

How A Self-Proclaimed “Crotchety Old Geek” Strives Every Day To Be Better Than Yesterday My story is a bit different. While I was recently one of five Better Your Best finalists honored to present onstage at Robin’s recent Boot Camp, I’m not about to go on and on about how fantastic I am. Because none of you care what I …

How I Fired 981 Demanding Break-Fix Customers And Added 91 Quality Managed Services Clients To Double Profits To 31.3%

Charles Swihart Genius of the Month

A Holistic Better Your Best Transformation: Failed Marketing, Arrested Clients & Payroll Nightmares “This is too easy.” After I opened my business in 2003 and put out roadside bandit signs at night, the phones lit up. I quit my day job as a software developer and began hiring employees. My business soon moved from my study to my garage to …