While Our Core Client Base In The UK Was Locked Down, We Still DOUBLED Our MRR And Added £302K In NEW Revenue!

Mark Cronin Genius of the Month

Without Marketing, There’s Zero Leads And Zero Hope For Growth Living in the small coastal town of Hartlepool in North East England, I believe I bring a unique perspective of running an MSP from “across the pond.” My IT journey began when I left high school at the age of 16. Classroom education was never really for me, so I …

Relentlessly Focused On Planning, Execution And Numbers, Our Revenue Jumped $319,163 And Our Profits Were Up 355% Last Year!

Pedro Nunez Genius of the Month

Knocked Down Again And Again – But Never Knocked Out! Standing onstage as a Better Your Best finalist at this year’s Fight Club–themed Boot Camp was most appropriate for me because I have been knocked down more times than I can count. When I came to the US from the Dominican Republic with my mother, we lacked a lot and …

As A Better Your Best Finalist, We Grew Our Revenue By $1M, Our MRR By $111,662 And Our Profit By $338,571 – All In Just One Year!

Will Nobles Genius of the Month

Entangled In The Dark Web Of Doubt For 6 Straight Years The dark web is not a thing or a place. It lives among us, learning, adapting, embedding itself into the very fabric of our digital footprint, now synonymous with daily life. As CEOs, we’ve come to know the dark web of running a business. It preys upon your every …

From Better Your Best Finalist To WINNER, We Grew Revenues From $811K To $1.76M And Achieved A Net Profit Of $512,764!

Charles Swihart Genius of the Month

Servicing 981 Break-Fix Clients At 375 Pounds, I Was Ready To Drop Customers And Weight! “Wow! He’s the Better Your Best winner…he just won an Aston Martin sports car. He must have it ALL figured out!” Truth is, I’m no different than most of you. Believe me, I had to LEARN how to achieve this level of success. Less than …

By Finally Turning Prospects Into Leads And Leads Into New Clients, We Added $18,000 In MRR And $45,000 In Projects In Just 90 Days!

Liam Scott Genius of the Month

Not All Marketing Agencies Deliver The RESULTS You Are Chasing Twenty-one years ago, Rishi Patel started Keeran Networks in the city of Edmonton in Alberta, Canada. As the owner and a natural-born salesperson, he’s always been a strong closer. Problem was, as his responsibilities grew as the CEO, there was no lead generation system, leads were not always followed up …

We Hit The Impassable $3 Million Wall, Then Used A $58,253-A-Month Wrecking Ball And Raced To $4.5 Million!

Nick Knowlton Genius of the Month

50% Growth For 2 Straight Years Seemed TOO Easy. For the first few years, RoundTable Technology had the great fortune of growing organically through word of mouth, referrals and a couple of small acquisitions. I took my seat at the RoundTable in 2016 to help with sales and business development. At first, my job was a breeze since new contracts …

Gaining Confidence To Shift My Business Model And Automate My Marketing, I More Than DOUBLED My Monthly Recurring Revenue In Just 90 Days!

Matt Jones Genius of the Month

Working 12-Hour Days, 6 Days A Week, Without Growing My MRR, I Was Officially STUCK Like my grandfather – my hero – I’ve always had an affinity for helping people. In addition, I love technology. At age 18, I combined those two passions in a unique and profitable way. I went to RadioShack and bought a few Optimus speakers, some …

By Finally Embracing Marketing, This Natural-Born Salesperson Added $75,000 In New Monthly Recurring Revenue By Conducting 32 Total Quarterly Business Reviews In Just Seven Months

Mike Ritsema Genius of the Month

“I Can Fix Any Problem With More Sales” i3 Business Solutions began in the Grand Rapids area in 2004 from a series of mergers of IBM business partner firms. A few years later, the Great Recession hit Michigan like a nuclear bomb. Instantly, the unemployment rate climbed to 18% in our area while the manufacturing and distribution industries – our …

After 2 Marketing Workshops And One Giant Mindset Shift, We Grew Our Business By 50% By Adding $500,000 In Just One Year!

Brandis Kelly Genius of the Month

Marketing? What’s That? Taking a page from the success stories of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, Shayne Yonce and Steve Lee started the Technology Specialist in Wichita, Kansas, out of a garage in 2007. I joined the team in 2016 as the Director of Operations and have handled pretty much everything except tech work. For well over a decade, our …

I Laughed When They Said My $500K Company Could Break $3 MILLION… Then I Sold $467,893 In New Contracts In Just 90 Days!

Robin Robins Genius of the Month

Same Plan, Same Results For 10+ Years I started my IT business about 15 years ago while in college, simply as a way to help pay for tuition. Like any business owner, I had dreams of becoming a good-sized company, getting great clients and living the good life. But, for years, I struggled with all aspects of running my business. …