I Finally Discovered THE ONE THING That Added Almost $1 MILLION In Revenue And A 350% Profit Growth In Our Better Your Best–Winning Year!

Michael Bazar Genius of the Month Leave a Comment

Early Struggles, Ineffective Marketing, Stagnant Growth – Sound Familiar? I officially started Bazar Solutions, Inc., in 2009. I grew my business the first few years the way most IT people do: word of mouth, referrals and a little bit of cold-calling. I tried my hand at TV advertising, canvassing and other one-off marketing campaigns. Nothing stuck, and we generated few …

By Transforming Our Mindset, Our Model And Our Marketing, We Jumped From $1,800 A Month To $95K In MRR!

Brian & Mary Hamilton Genius of the Month Leave a Comment

Living In A Basement Apartment With 5 Kids And Not Knowing Where Our Next Check Was Coming From As a husband-and-wife team, we started Mid Atlantic Data & Communications, LLC, in Roanoke, Virginia, back in 2004. As co-CEOs, Mary is the business piece and Brian is the tech piece. Mary brags on her husband as a natural-born salesperson: “Brian is …

How We Went From No Marketing Plan And No Predictable Growth To Increasing Our MRR By 58% During Covid

Matt & Jeanine Kinsey Genius of the Month Leave a Comment

As a husband-and-wife team, we saw our MSP grow each and every year for the last 13 years, but we were STILL struggling and not paying ourselves what we were worth. FAR from it, in fact. We understood marketing was important, so we had tested the waters. Once we hired a local marketing consultant (that didn’t work out). Another time, …

Essentially A Start-Up Company After My Accident, I Used A Proven Marketing Approach To Add 2 New Clients And $6,750 In MRR

David Kellett Genius of the Month

I Had An Accident Doing The Work I Love You never know just how quickly your life can change. It was 2013, and I was wrapping up changing out an uninterruptible power supply for a client. A routine job we’ve all done a hundred times. But the circumstances were anything but routine. You see, their network cabinet was mounted nine …

How To Start An IT Business With Zero Contacts And No Money

Roland Parker Genius of the Month

Before Starting The American Dream, We First Had To Flee For Our Lives My story starts 9,000 miles away in Africa. Born and raised in Zimbabwe, I started Impress Computers back in 1993 as a distributor for technology products across Africa. Employing 150 people in five branches throughout the area, it was a pretty sizable operation. While my business was …

In A Year When Growth Wasn’t Expected, Our 2 Verticals Brought In An Additional $420,000 In New MRR For A $5,040,000 Revenue Increase!

Mike McWilliams Genius of the Month

14 Years Of Hiring And Firing Shitty Marketers Reliable IT is a multimillion-dollar conglomeration of multiple companies that operates out of Texas, California, Colorado, Massachusetts and Louisiana. Last year in a year when growth wasn’t expected, their 2 verticals brought in an additional $420,000 in new MRR for a $5,040,000 revenue increase! Here’s how: Before discovering Technology Marketing Toolkit, we …

Attending Robin’s Workshop TWICE, We Added $10,500 In New MRR, $29,000 In Projects And Have A Pipeline Of $7,800 In MRR…In 2020!

Rob Gelsinger Genius of the Month

Growing Up With 15 Siblings, I Had To Work Hard To Get Noticed Being the youngest of SIXTEEN kids (I’m the tiny one), I was raised to believe that you get a good education, work at a company for 30 years and then retire. Ever watched the movie Rudy? My dad was Rudy’s dad, believing in working hard but taking …


How Does A Start-Up MSP With Zero Marketing Experience Respond To A Lockdown? With A 5,300% INCREASE In Monthly Recurring Revenue!

Terry Blacksten & Kerry Brown Genius of the Month

Who Opens A SECOND Business One Week After Launching An MSP? This Guy… Just one week after finalizing the paperwork for my new MSP, I got a call from a friend about starting a BIOS company with him. “Sure, I can run TWO brand-new businesses simultaneously. Why not?!” (Insert eyeroll here) I figured my MSP company would be my “quick …

Even After Losing My First MSP And Enduring Massive COVID-19 Shutdowns, I GREW My Brand-New MSP By $89,492 In MRR In Our First 90 Days!

Scott Hagizadegan Genius of the Month

Our $5 Million Unsinkable IT Business Hit A Massive Iceberg My business partner and I started our first IT services business in 1999. Yet, rather than focus on LANs and servers like most MSPs, our business model focused more on connectivity services, including VoIP, cloud and cyber security. From day one, we locked onto the monthly recurring revenue model and …