Grow Your MSP: 7 New Year’s Resolutions For MSP Owners

Robin Robins Entrepreneurship Leave a Comment

New Year’s Resolution #1: Leverage Other People’s Advertising And Client Relationships A favorite strategy of mine is the JV (joint venture) or promotional partnership, where you find a mutually beneficial way to co-promote your services with another noncompetitive company, association or person. It is essentially how I was able to launch my business when I was flat-broke and without any …

One Secret To Scaling & Growing A Business

Robin Robins Entrepreneurship Leave a Comment

We recently invited Jeff Hoffman, founder of, to speak at our Producers Club meeting. He shared with our members the strategies used to scale eight companies from the ground up to multibillion-dollar companies. Watch one of his secrets now. For more strategies on growing and scaling your MSP business, register for our free livecast at

Hot To Charge More Than Your Competition (And EASILY Get It)

How To Charge More Than Your Competition (And EASILY Get The Sale)

Robin Robins Entrepreneurship, IT Sales Leave a Comment

There are many ways to develop your USP (unique selling proposition) to differentiate yourself from the competition. Once you have developed your USP, you can charge more than your competition and get the right-fit clients far easier. One example that recently crossed my radar due to getting my German shepherd pup, Rocket, is Nashville K-9 training. Unlike most dog trainers, …

5 Top MSPs Reveal Secret Pricing Strategies That You Need To Know

5 Top MSPs Reveal Secret Pricing Strategies That You Need To Know

Robin Robins Entrepreneurship, MSP Marketing Leave a Comment

We all know we’re currently in hyperinflation, and if you haven’t raised your prices you need to. I dove into the topic of pricing strategies with the five Better Your Best finalists, where they answered these questions- Where are you relative to your competition? And how do you deal with cheaper competitors as an MSP? Scott Hagizadegan chimed in to …

John DiJulius shares the secret to making price irrelevant

John DiJulius Shares The Secret To Making Price Irrelevant

Robin Robins Entrepreneurship Leave a Comment

John DiJulius is the world’s leading authority on customer service. He is an international consultant and best-selling author of four books on how to become the organization your customers can’t live without. John works with world class companies like The Ritz-Carlton, Lexus, Starbucks, Nordstrom, Nestlé, Marriott Hotels, Cheesecake Factory, Progressive Insurance, Harley Davidson, Chick-fil-A, and many more. We had him …

Marcus Lemonis Says This Is A Must For IT Services Businesses To Survive And Thrive

Marcus Lemonis Says This Is A Must For IT Services Businesses To Survive And Thrive

Robin Robins Entrepreneurship, Managed Services Leave a Comment

Marcus Lemonis, the Business Turnaround King, spoke to our attendees at our 2021 Annual IT Sales & Marketing Boot Camp.  He was so well received that he is back for 2022 by popular demand.  Last year he shared the following advice: Double Down On Marketing For Your IT Services Business I’m going to strongly encourage you guys to get more …