Atlanta MSP Increases Net Profits By 2,968% In One Year With A Very Strategic, Aggressive Marketing Plan

Robin Robins Genius of the Month

That girl is on fire…” The lyrics to the Alicia Keys song resounded throughout the room as Jennifer Holmes, co-owner of MIS Solutions in Atlanta, took the stage to a standing ovation from 550 of her peers to be awarded the title of 2013 Spokesperson and winner of the “Better Your Best” competition at the annual IT Sales and Marketing Boot Camp in Nashville, TN. Not only was she named Spokesperson for Technology Marketing Toolkit, Inc., but she and husband Lliam Holmes were also awarded a brand new Lexus Sedan.

The competition was fierce with the average contestant almost doubling top line revenue and more than tripling bottom line profits in just one year’s time; but Jennifer managed to lock in the win by adding $487,605 in NEW revenue to her business in the last year alone, as well as multiple 5 and 6 figure managed services contracts with larger Atlanta corporations by implementing a very strategic and aggressive online and offline marketing plan that she detailed in her presentation.

When asked about her success Jennifer commented, “The key to our success was committing to becoming a serious student of Robin Robin’s Technology Marketing Toolkit. Like an award winning chocolate cake recipe, Robin gives you the exact recipe, a comprehensive ingredient list and the techniques (in order) to produce a true sales and marketing engine that delivers amazing results, reliably. Through her Producers Club Coaching Program, I’ve developed into a great marketer, salesperson and leader. It is my honor to serve as her 2013 Spokesperson and I’m excited to continue inspiring, mentoring and helping other IT business owners grow their business.”

Robin Robins, President, Technology Marketing Toolkit, Inc. said this of her recently appointed spokesperson: “Jennifer is a true marketing rock star! I’ve seen her grow from a very small, timid IT “geek” who was afraid to go on sales calls to a bold, confident and savvy entrepreneur with incredible marketing and sales skills. Jennifer is the kind of person that sets a goal and works like a fanatic until she achieves it. I’m very proud of her accomplishments and her growth, both personally and professional, over the last few years. I really don’t think there’s any challenge that can stop her and I’m honored to have someone as driven and successful as Jennifer to encourage and inspire others in the Spokesperson role for my company in 2013 and beyond. She’s a tremendous example of possibility and success.”

Jennifer implemented a number of very strategic marketing campaigns to not only get more clients, but better quality ones. For example, her monthly newsletter has been a great way to stay in touch with current customers and remain top of mind for prospects. Download the “How To” Series audio where Jennifer explains her newsletter process and grab the copies of her newsletter she’s provided as examples.

“How To Systematize Your Monthly Newsletter To Engage Clients (And Prospects), Position Yourself As An Expert, Have Fun, Generate Leads, AND Close New MRR”

Grab a copy of Jennifer’s “Better Your Best” Essay and the Campaigns she used to

generate these amazing results: