3 Simple Steps Every MSP And IT Service Business Needs To Take Online Right Now

Robin Robins IT Managed Services, IT Marketing, IT Sales, MSP Marketing, Technology Marketing

IT Service Business

So you’re super busy handling tickets that seem to multiply like rabbits. Add to this your clients are in full-blown panic mode…and to make matters even worse…you’re down to your last case of toilet paper!

In all seriousness, we know this is a temporary situation but we don’t know how temporary. When this ends, (and it WILL end) the world is going to look a bit different than it did before.

That said, there ARE things you need to do right now online to calm the panic, help your clients and prospects in their time of need and set yourself up to come out of this stronger than when you went in. Below is a list, in order of importance, of three things you need to do online right now to make it through this storm.

1. Contact Your Clients – Right now, more than ever, your clients need to hear from you and know you’re up and running and ready to assist them with any of their needs. While you may be worried about people canceling or scaling back the truth is that most businesses need your services MORE than ever before so if anything, they probably will buy additional products or services from you right now.

I’m 100% for making hay while the sun shines…and now is an opportunity for NOT just monetary profits but goodwill. Some MSPs who also sell VOIP are offering free conference bridge lines for the next 30 days, offering free mobile security for remote employees and more. This is a great opportunity for you to be a true partner to businesses right now and not just a vendor.

While you shouldn’t limit yourself to e-mail but make calls as well, here’s a simple template to follow to set up appointments with your current clients.

Meeting Request #1:
Subject Line: I need to get on your calendar ASAP

Hey <<Name>>,

With all of this coronavirus craziness going on,
there are a few things I need to go over with you
about your IT systems, how to ensure proper
security while having employees work from home
and answer any questions you have.

I also want to check in on how you and your
team are doing right now and talk about how
we can serve you better in these crazy times.

Here’s a link to my calendar so you can select
a time that’s convenient for you:
<<insert link to calendar>>

We’ll need about <30 minutes> max.

Take care,

<<Your Email Signature>>

NOTE: To get the meeting request series FREE along with other resources to use right click here.

2. Put A Pop-up On Your Site  – Right now it’s SUPER important to let people know what you’re up to. The best way to do that is to put a pop-up (you know one of those annoying little boxes we marketers love to use) that comes up on your home page that says three things.

First, that you’re open (assuming you are). Let them know you’re hard at work and your hours.

Second, that you can help them get set up to work from home or remote (assuming you can). There’s a lot of business to be had but people shouldn’t need to ask. Let them know you can get them set up remotely and help with productivity, security and continuity.

Third, let them know when they will hear back. Even if you can’t answer every phone call live, or respond to every request immediately, let them know exactly when you’ll return all inquiries. Something like, “We return all calls and inquiries between 11am and Noon and then again at 4pm to 5pm and PROMISE we will get back to you at those times.

3. Get Social (With A Purpose!) – Now more than ever people are online…like all freakin’ day! Now IS the time to make sure your company’s pages and profiles are updated on Facebook and LinkedIn. You do have a company page right? Now is also the time to make a commitment to have regular content that’s posted a minimum of three times a week.

If you’re already doing that, now is a great time to turn to video. In the war for eyeballs, YouTube and Facebook are incentivizing people to post LIVE video on their platforms. Don’t know what I’m talking about, open Facebook and I bet within minutes you’ll see a little thing pop-up and notify you about someone who’s going live. That could be you!

Also, with everyone online ALL the time and many advertisers pulling back, now could also be the time to launch ads as many are seeing rates lower than ever before. So if you’ve been thinking about doing this…there’s no time like the present.

Now I know you’re thinking, “This is all great, but how am I going to get this done with everything going on?” The answer isn’t simple and it’s the same as it always is. You either make time to do it, delegate it or hire it done for you. But it does need to get done so that you can serve those you’re meant to serve, including your employees, your family and yourself!

Hang in there! As they say, ‘This too shall pass!’