Discover What a Small One-Man-Band from California is Doing To Grow His Company FAST and Guarantee His Future Success

Robin Robins IT Managed Services, IT Marketing, IT Sales, MSP Marketing


“I Doubled Last Year’s Revenue…But The Biggest Change Has Been How My Revenues Have Shifted…”

By Robin Robins, President, Technology Marketing Toolkit, Inc.

I think Jim Rohn said, “Most people prefer a good excuse to a great opportunity.” Based on the number of excuses I hear from most small technology consultants on why they can’t get a marketing plan implemented, I would agree.

But there is the occasional shining star that proves that determination, a little discipline, and a focus on marketing can move mountains.

Josh Jacoby started out as a small, one-man-band computer consulting firm. Like most other start up computer consultants, Josh didn’t have extra techs, a sales team, or a big marketing budget to use to his advantage. He didn’t have a secretary or a work-from-home wife to help him in the business. And, he only had so many hours in the day to work on marketing and growing his business.

But instead of crying in his soup for what he didn’t have and settling for referrals only, he stepped up and implemented a number of marketing systems in his business. Here is his story on how he was able to double his annual revenue and switch to more reliable revenue streams to guarantee future growth and stability…

“Before working with Robin, I was very frustrated and not making much money. My company generated enough to pay my bills, but I never really felt successful, and I wasn’t fulfilling my goals to grow as a business owner, provide employment, and generate the income I wanted. I had taken many classes and courses on marketing and business management, so I had a lot of knowledge about the basics of marketing. I also knew that I lacked the motivation and mental focus to go through the entire process of developing marketing campaigns, so I started looking for outside help.

I learned about Robin through the ASCII group, bought the Tool Kit, and instantly knew I had found the Promised Land. It was precisely what I wanted – full campaigns geared specifically to my industry.

To date, I’ve used a number of the campaigns and strategies Robin provides in her Tool Kit. I have done newsletters, teleseminars, direct mail, web site makeovers, Google adwords, yellow page ads, van advertising, and lots and lots of networking in the local community.

So far, the results have been excellent! As of writing this I have doubled last year’s revenue, but the biggest change has been how my revenues have shifted. It is almost evenly split between recurring revenue (hosting and managed services), project work, and in product and equipment sales. Now that I’ve switched from hourly work to recurring revenue and managed services, the revenues are much steadier.

I’ve been so overwhelmed with new clients and projects that I stopped mailing the prospecting campaigns Robin gave me for quite a while, but we keep getting new customers from it anyhow. Talk about the gift that keeps on giving!

If everything comes to fruition I’m expecting to add another $40K per year in managed services revenue signed by the end of February. And that’s without even trying!”

—Josh Jacoby, President, InnovaCrew

Want to Get Your Hands on the Same
Marketing Systems and Tools Josh Used?

Then click here now to join me at an upcoming Client Attraction and Marketing Blueprint seminar. If you desperately need – or want – to increase your personal income, this will be the most valuable and important 3 hours you invest all year.

Here’s a small sample of the topics that will be covered:

  • Hear how other SMB computer consultants are doubling the number of qualified leads and new clients they get using a no-sales person marketing system that doesn’t require a sales team or large marketing budget to work.
  • Discover little-known auto-pilot marketing systems that will cut the time and effort of selling in half. Finally, a way to get clients calling YOU, even if you have an extremely tight marketing budget.
  • Learn the marketing methods that are absolutely the BEST for promoting your computer consulting services, and which ones will waste your time, drain your bank account, and leave you disappointed and frustrated.
  • See actual case studies and campaigns other small SMB computer consultants have used to attract profitable new clients, sell managed services, fuel referrals, and substantially increase profit margins.

Let’s face it…

You don’t have a lot of time and money to spend on marketing, and chances are you aren’t very good at it either. Yet you know how critical it is to the success of your business and your personal income.

Less than 5% of Americans retire financially self-sufficient — that means 95% of all Americans retire without the financial means to support themselves.

If you don’t want to be part of the broke majority, then take this small step in the right direction by clicking here now to register for my Client Attraction and Marketing Blueprint Seminar.

It’s 100% guaranteed to show you how to make more money, attract a better quality of client, and finally get a solid, reliable marketing plan in place.

You’ll see actual case studies and examples of marketing systems used by other VARs, MSPs, and System Integrators to dramatically increase sales. You’ll learn exactly what type of marketing works best for attracting new clients, and the type of marketing that will leave you frustrated and broke.

Click here now for the seminar agenda, dates, locations, and registration information.