Super Dave Used Super Robin’s Marketing To Grow By 23% In Just One Year And 203% In 6 Years!

Dave Wolf Genius of the Month

Dave Wolf

Dave Wolf,
Just Solutions, Inc.

Accidents, Flooding And A Heart Attack Couldn’t Stop Super Dave

I was introduced to Robin and enrolled in her program several years ago. Like many newbies, I faced the challenge of not knowing how to really get started, but I took a stab, dove in and began implementing Robin’s strategies. As my momentum was gearing up, I had a serious accident that laid me up for months. And then, just as I started to get back on my feet, literally and figuratively, another disaster hit. Our office was flooded and, in just a few hours, we lost over $150,000 as well as our forward momentum that had taken us years to build.

My team calls me “Super Dave” because despite more setbacks than most business owners endure, I don’t ever give up. Thanks to Robin’s strategies, I was able to drive much-needed revenue to rebuild our business, and we rebuilt beyond what we had ever achieved.

2018 Brought A Slew Of Health Problems PLUS 23% Growth!

When a company VP incurs multiple health issues in a single year, revenue and profit goals typically go out the window. Not at Just Solutions, Inc. Not with Super Dave Wolf leading his team with Robin’s sales and marketing foundation.

First, I had to overcome both knee AND back surgeries, which take considerable recovery time. Then, while on vacation in California, without the JSI team even knowing it, I had a heart attack. As a result, I had a rigorous physical therapy schedule and way too many doctor appointments. Yet, despite my health hurdles, despite my time away from the office, we were STILL able to grow the company to $4.22 million! That’s 23% above our 2017 numbers!  

Multiple Marketing Campaigns That Generated SERIOUS ROI

With a terrific marketing coordinator, a solid sales team and a passionate sales manager in place in 2018, we were able to implement an aggressive number of Robin’s marketing campaigns and strategies. At JSI, we do a quarterly breakfast seminar for both clients and prospects, focused on different topics they choose. With an average attendance of about 30 people, these seminars generated $54K in new revenue in 2018. That’s an ROI of 3,275%!

We recently joined Robin’s AdWords Beta Program. To date, we have generated 10 appointments and closed multiple sales, including a managed services client worth $50,292, a document management client valued at $10K and a cabling project of $20K! This single campaign delivered an impressive 1,505% ROI!

Rather than simply ask for referrals, we initiated a winning Referral Campaign in 2018. For each successful referral we received, we gave away two suite tickets to a Buffalo Bills game. We generated four new clients, resulting in $270,792 throughout the life of the contracts! That’s a jaw-dropping 3,738% ROI!

Our website has been “Robinized” with Pronto for several years, and we have been reaping the benefits ever since. On an average month, we generate 1,500 unique clicks, with three to five leads through form-fills or phone calls.

Extreme Confidence No Matter What Life Throws My Way

The key lesson I have learned is that you never know when a disaster might strike, and if you don’t have sufficient business coming in or retained earnings to overcome life’s hiccups, you could lose everything. I am especially thankful to Robin and her team for showing me how to rise above hard times to even greater success.