FREE MSP Marketing Kit:

“How To Double Or Triple The Number Of High-Paying Clients In Your IT Services Firm”

The Ultimate Free Marketing Guide For MSPs | Technology Marketing Toolkit | Robin Robins

In This Free Digital Product Download You’ll Receive:

FREE Video: The Ultimate Marketing System For IT Services Firms – Get the step-by-step plan to  consistently and predictably attract more high-quality clients for your IT services business…and put the entire system on auto-pilot!

FREE Audio Interview with Robin Robins: “Secrets To Driving More Inbound Leads For IT Services” – In this candid interview, Robin Robins will reveal the strategies that her most successful, fastest-growing clients do to drive more leads, more appointments and more sales for their IT services firms despite growing competition. You’ll also discover how she become the leading expert on marketing for IT services companies in the world and show you how you can become the go-to expert in your area.

FREE Report: “What Should An IT Services Firm Budget For Marketing?” – This report will deliver industry benchmarks based on what hundreds of MSPs are investing in marketing to generate leads and sales. You’ll also get a plan to pin-point how much you’ll want to invest based upon who many new clients you want for your IT services business.

FREE Guide And Checklist: How To Build A Productive IT Sales Playbook – Get the IT Sales Playbook that MSPs use to close IT services contracts and projects at premium profit margins with little to no price resistance, stalls, delays or resistance.

FREE Customized Marketing Roadmap And Consultation ($125 Value) – As a prospective client, we’d like to offer you a private, one-on-one marketing consultation where you’ll discover how you stack up against industry norms and be able to determine what you need to do first in creating a client-attraction marketing system based on your specific goals, resources and business stage.

Instantly Download These FREE Videos, Guides And Resources

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Author and CEO
Technology Marketing
Toolkit, Inc.

Perpetually Looking For That “Easy Button,” We Found $576,000 In New Sales And $8,335 In New MRR Instead

Starting as a communications company in 1959, Krueger Communications has transitioned into a networking, VoIP and managed services business. But when it came to marketing, Krueger Communications had done NOTHING for decades. So, when the owner told me about Robin Robins and Technology Marketing Toolkit, I was initially skeptical. All the success stories I had read seemed too good to be true.

Then we went to one of Robin’s IT Marketing Roadshows. Suddenly, it ‘clicked’! All the content and marketing I had been trying to do myself was ALREADY DONE and PROVEN! So, we went ‘ALL-IN’ on Technology Marketing Toolkit, including attending the Rapid Implementation Workshop, joining Accelerators Club, adopting their marketing automation and CRM solution and even their Done-For-You Website.

In the workshop, Robin told me, ‘Matt, you’re sitting on a GOLD MINE’ because she knew we had serviced nearly 60 years of clients. So, she taught us what we call a crazy ‘sci-fi tool’ because it helped us BOOK 43 MEETINGS in just 90 days – adding $500,000 in project sales! Next, from Robin’s drip marketing e-mail campaign, we added $8,335 in MRR!

Krueger Communications’ original owner, Allen Krueger, Sr., had searched for a marketing ‘easy button’ for decades. When I joined the team, I quickly learned it doesn’t exist. In fact, this marketing journey is tough, relentless and challenges you at every turn. But once the results start coming in, like adding $576K in new sales, $8,335 in new MRR and bringing in right-fit clients, it’s SO WORTH IT!

Matt Wellner

Matt Wellner

Krueger Communications

Conducting 32 Technology Business Reviews, We Added $78,896 In Annualized MRR And $108,950 In Projects In Just 90 Days!
For 14 years, my husband ran Your Computer Hero from our basement as a one-man IT services firm. Because he rarely invested in marketing, growth was painfully slow. He was getting burned out by high-demanding clients who paid very little. After I joined the team, we decided to take our MSP to the next level. As a husband-and-wife team in business together, we had a propensity for self-destruction. We had one foot on the gas and the other smashed on the brake. It was time to put the pedal to the metal! Thankfully, a member of Dave Ramsey’s EntreLeadership team recommended Robin Robins and Technology Marketing Toolkit to us. The very first marketing campaign we executed of Robin’s brought in seven NEW CLIENTS and added $45,000 in revenue! Next, we headed to Nashville and attended Robin’s Rapid Implementation Workshop. The very first day of the workshop, we sent out a few simple e-mails and BOOKED 12 APPOINTMENTS! Over the following 90 days, we conducted 32 Technology Business Reviews and network assessments. These meetings with existing clients and new prospects brought in $78,896 in annualized MRR, $108,950 in new projects and a bunch of project revenue in the pipeline. Last year, we were at $385K in revenue. However, since Robin’s Rapid Implementation Workshop, we’ve added $227,846.04 in new revenue and are on track to hit $650K this year! Most importantly, we LOVE our business again.
Jenna MacLennan

Jenna MacLennan

Your Computer Hero

I Burned Through $60,000 In Bad Marketing Before… What Could Possibly Go Wrong Now?
My previous ties with marketing were not productive. My MBA taught me nothing about real-world marketing, which is why I invested $60,000 in marketing at a previous company that delivered ZILCH. During the in-person Rapid Implementation Workshop, I kicked off our Technology Business Reviews (TBR) campaign using the standard TMT campaign included in the MAP program. Since I was the new owner of the business, it was important to meet face-to-face with my clients. Also, because I knew we were underserving my clients, I used the TBRs to get their feedback on our three new managed services and cyber security plans. By conducting these TBRs, I picked up on a valuable piece of information. I learned that my clients followed a strict budget process. As long as I come to the TBR meetings with a spreadsheet filled out with their expected IT expenses, they are more likely to say “Yes!” This new knowledge led to a network replacement project for our largest client worth $175,000. From the TBRs, we added $180,000 in project revenue and $2,000 in MRR.
Ryan Rolfsmeier

Ryan Rolfsmeier

Simplified IT Solutions

With Multiple WINS In Just 12 Weeks, We Added $3,590 In MRR, $44,820 In Projects And $31,207 In Product Sales!
To start pushing the needle forward for Informational Management Systems, we knew we needed to attend Robin Robins’ Rapid Implementation Workshop. Though I was initially nervous and overwhelmed, All the success stories I had read seemed too good to be true, their 30-day checklist, 90-day checklist and weekly coaching calls kept us accountable and moving forward. Right from the start, we had MULTIPLE WINS. Our first win was immediately receiving testimonials.  ALREADY DONE and PROVEN!  Just 24 hours after we sent emails to 15 clients, we received 11 quality testimonials back! Then we got another two testimonials the next week — an impressive 87% response rate. Our second win was making scheduling Technology Business Reviews a snap. By using Technology Marketing Toolkit’s marketing automation program, we easily scheduled meetings with our clients on a regular basis. The results: we upgraded multiple clients to our new support plan which added $3,590 in NEW MRR (a total contract value of $129,230), $44,820 in project work and $31,207 in product sales! By continuing to make improvements to our website and SEO and sending Robin’s proven direct mail campaign and following up, we expect to achieve even more wins very soon.
Kelly Beauchamp

Kelly Beauchamp

Information Management Systems

Thanks To Robin Robins, We Are Getting Our Goals Met, Starting With A NEW MRR CLIENT And New Project Revenue

“Our in-person Rapid Implementation Workshop with Robin Robins was a true eye-opener for me. We all completely bought into Robin’s sales and marketing strategies. Listening to her speak had me so pumped, I was immediately sending Robin’s 9-Word E-mail campaign. Those e-mails opened a few doors for us, including with a medical prospect who will soon become our NEWEST monthly recurring revenue client! We have also diligently booked QBRs, which added a FEW PROJECTS with existing clients.

Thanks to the direction, motivation and accountability from Technology Marketing Toolkit, we are building our ‘Robinized’ website and social media platform and are working to reengage some cold prospects. We know that by following Robin’s ‘keep our face in their face’ approach, we will ensure prospects will now have us first in mind. My goal is to get Robin’s process done and get Blue Tree Technology goals met!”  
Bridget Mendoza

Bridget Mendoza

Blue Tree Technology